The #PaycheckProtectionProgram saved more than 🔔50 MILLION 🔔 jobs according to a recent report. House Dems blocked attempts to extend the program 35 times. Watch 📺⬇️
McHenry on PPP
RM McHenry Opening Remarks in Hearing with Fed Chair Powell

The #COVID19 crisis made clear that our nation’s businesses lack protection from losses related to pandemics and associated government-mandated closures.

Republicans are committed to working on solutions to help meet the pandemic needs of small businesses across the country.

To do this right, solutions should be based on consensus ideas like:


Being bipartisan and offering value to all participants.

Building on existing successes wherever possible.

Being scalable to address the unpredictable diversity of future pandemics.

Being adaptable to allow for market innovation.

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PRIA would create another one-size-fits-all government mandate, designed only to help the largest corporations, and not the small businesses that drive our nation’s economy.

We must work together to craft a principled, bipartisan solution.

Image may contain: text that says '"It should give lawmakers pause that PRIA would represent a $750 billion investment of taxpayer dollars in a program that thirds or more of businesses will not access, where many claims will still be denied and where the kind of loss that will be most commonly experienced by businesses does not and cannot constitute a claim." Republica -Witness, Mr. R.J. Lehmann'