Foster Parent Corner

foster care graphicA place for licensed foster and kinship foster parents in Vermont.

Email Updates

If you're licensed to provide foster care in Vermont, you can sign up to get email updates from Family Services about issues related to foster care.

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pdf formForms

Case Planning & Supplemental Placement Information Form
Damage Claim Form
Foster Parent/Kinship Foster Parent Expense Report
Respite Provider Services & Associated Mileage Reimbursement

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Key Publications

Foster Parent Court Notification
Guidance Related to In-Person Family Time During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Guide for Foster & Kinship Foster Families in Vermont
Licensing Regulations for Foster Homes in Vermont
Step Up To Prevent Child Sexual Abuse: A Guide for Parents & Caregivers

See more publications for foster parents!

Our Newsletter

Get past issues of Fostering Vermont — our biweekly newsletter for foster and kinship foster parents. From that link, join our mailing list to get it automatically!

resources logoResources

Family Services Policies
Mentoring Program
Parenting Resources by Topic


Court Overview Training for Caregivers
LGBTQ+ 101: Caring for LGBTQ children and youth

Guidance on the use of social media by foster parents

Social Media: Use & Confidentiality, guidance from the Family Services Division

Foster Kin Care Mentor Program