
Communist China attempts to steal our intellectual property and information by funneling aliens through our student visa system and bankrolling their applications. This is a serious national security threat that effects all Americans’ interests.

Last week, I introduced the CCP Visa Disclosure Act, which would require aliens applying for student visas to disclose if they receive funds from the Government of the People’s Republic of China or the Chinese Communist Party. We must do everything possible to hold China accountable for their bad actions and protect our critical interests.

An average of 22 veterans commit suicide each day. I was honored to join the American Legion today for a ruck walk to raise awareness for this devastating statistic.

After America’s heroes bravely served our nation we owe it to them to be there when they need it most.

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing, shoes, sky, cloud and outdoor
Image may contain: 2 people, people standing, sky and outdoor, text that says 'LLENGE 22'
Image may contain: 1 person, standing, sky and outdoor, text that says 'TE HEART & VASCULAR UNITED STATES'
We know from the testimony of Tony Bobulinski that Joe Biden lied about his business dealings and is still trying to cover up his corruption. The left-wing media won’t cover this, but Biden clearly abused his power for personal gain and lied about it to the American public. I discussed this with Fox Business’ Evening Edit.
House Democrats continue their meritless attacks against AG Barr for prioritizing American safety and cracking down of crime. I asked him about corrupt Obama era events during the House Judiciary hearing. Watch here.
We know for a fact that Big Tech is censoring conservative content, from "fact-checking" President Trump to editorializing posts from constituents back home. That's why we are working on legislation to reform Section 230 and hold Big Tech accountable. Watch my discussion with Fox & Friends First.