Manage Your Award

Rules, regulations, policies and procedures to manage and administer a grant or cooperative agreement (award), including forms, guidance, and reporting requirements that govern your award.

Part 200 Uniform Guidance Updates to go into Effect November 12, 2020. 

If you receive an award after October 1, 2020 it will fall under OMB’s revised 2 CFR 200 Guidance for Grants and Agreements and other updates to Parts 25, 183, and 170.  These are in effect as of November 12, 2020.  Some changes include,

  1. The de minimis indirect cost rate is available for all organizations including those whose indirect cost rate agreement is expired, if approved by the Arts Endowment.
  2. Final reports are due 120 days after the end date of the period of performance (previously, 90 days).
  3. If acceptable final reports are not submitted within one year from the end date of the period of performance the Arts Endowment is required to report your organization to FAPIIS, the Federal Awardee Performance and integrity Information System, for material failure to comply with the award Terms and Conditions

See our General Terms and Conditions for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to Organizations (11.2020).

FAQs for Applicants & Awardees in Response to COVID-19

NOTE: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the National Endowment for the Arts staff is working almost entirely off-site. As a result, we will not be able to accept and process postal mail and other deliveries in our usual manner. Because mail and other deliveries may be returned to sender, we ask that you not send us anything until the agency has resumed normal operations. We will update this notice as necessary to reflect evolving conditions.

I received my National Endowment for the Arts award:

Commonly Used Forms and Resources For Recommended Applicants and for Award Recipients

Email Alert

Due to restrictions from the Department of Homeland Security we are not able to send emails to alias addresses that forward to another email account. Please do not enter this type of email address.


Office of Inspector General (OIG):  Helping what works - work better!

NEA award recipients have a fiduciary obligation to ensure absolute integrity in the use of, and accountability for tax payer’s dollars.

Please report any possible fraud, waste and abuse to NEA’s OIG. You may report anonymously and your identity will remain confidential (unless unavoidable).

Call the OIG Hotline 1-877-535-7448 or report to