NEW: Chairwoman Congresswoman Nita Lowey blasts GOP's abandonment of relief talks.

“It is a stark reminder that this President and the sycophants in his party are simply not up to the task of leading our nation in this moment.”

Read the full statement:…/lowey-statement-on-presi…

NEW: The House has passed H.R. 8337, a Continuing Resolution to fund the government through December 11 and provide critical nutrition assistance for American families.

Learn more:…/house-passes-bipartisan-…

The Administration’s decision to cut the #2020Census count early is unacceptable & politicizes the U.S. Census Bureau. It jeopardizes our ability to ensure an a...ccurate count & threatens our democracy.

As Chair of House Appropriations Committee Subcommittee funding the Census, I have some questions- read my letter here:

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Today, the House is considering the House Appropriations Committee’s second FY2021 government funding package, H.R. 7617.

Tune in live as House Appropriations Committee members begin general debate of this significant government funding legislation on the House Floor. ⤵️

Today, the House is considering two bills to expand the availability of quality child care, help workers safely return to their jobs, and enable America's economy to recover from COVID-19.

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was live.

Safely reopening our economy requires making sure Americans have access to quality, affordable child care. Today, the House votes on legislation to save child care for families nationwide.

Today and tomorrow, the House is considering the House Appropriations Committee's first FY2021 minibus, H.R. 7608.

Follow along by watching the House Floor:

Watch Chairwoman Congresswoman Nita Lowey’s opening statement:

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WATCH: Chairwoman Congresswoman Nita Lowey's farewell remarks on the final day of markups.

"It has been the honor of my life to serve as Chairwoman of this committee."

Tune in to the House Appropriations Committee's FY2021 full committee markup.

Today, the Committee is considering our FY2021 Defense, Commerce-Justice-Science, and Transportation-HUD appropriations bills ⤵️

Tune in to our FY2021 full committee markup.

Today, the Committee is considering our FY2021 Interior-Environment and Legislative Branch appropriations bills ⤵️

Tune in to our first FY2021 full committee markup.

Today, the Committee is considering our FY2021 allocations and the State-Foreign Operations, Agriculture-Rural Development-FDA, and Military Construction-Veterans Affairs appropriations bills ⤵️

NEW: In advance of Friday's House Appropriations Committee full committee markup, the Committee has released full committee reports for Interior-Environment and Legislative Branch.


Today, the House Appropriations Committee began markups for our Fiscal Year 2021 government funding bills.

To stay up to date, visit our website:

📰NEW: House Appropriations Committee Chair Congresswoman Nita Lowey & Ways and Means Committee Chair Congressman Richard Neal write on CNN about the Child Care for Economic Recovery Act:

"We are committed to delivering meaningful relief to American workers & families during this time of widespread need..."

NEW: House Appropriations Committee Democrats and the Ways and Means Committee Democrats just introduced the Child Care for Economic Recovery Act. The legislation provides ongoing federal investments & tax credits to bolster quality child care and support a strong recovery from COVID-19. #SaveChildCare


Tomorrow: House Appropriations Committee Chair Congresswoman Nita Lowey will lead a Member Day hearing for the full Appropriations Committee.

Member Day is an opportunity for Members to discuss funding priorities that are important to their districts.

Tune in:

Native Americans are disproportionately suffering from #coronavirus. At today’s Interior-Environment Subcommittee hearing, Chair Betty McCollum and the House Appropriations Committee will examine the current status of COVID-19 cases in Indian Country.

Live at 1 PM:

At 11 AM, the House Appropriations Committee, led by Labor-HHS-Education Chair Rosa DeLauro, will question Dr. Robert R. Redfield on the #coronavirus response.

Watch the hearing live:

Image may contain: text that says 'HOUSE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE HEARING COVID-19 RESPONSE Labor, Healt and Human Services Education Subcommittee Thursday, June 4, 2020 11:00 A.M. @AppropsDems HouseAppropsDems mIT'

At 10 AM, Military Construction-VA Subcommittee Chair @RepDWStweets will lead @AppropsDems in a hearing about the @DeptVetAffairs' response to the #coronavirus.

Watch live:

Image may contain: text that says 'HOUSE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE HEARING DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS- RESPONSE TO COVID-19 Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Thursday, May 28, 2020 10:00 A.M. @AppropsDems /HouseAppropsDems TIIIT'