WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith (D-Wash.) today issued the following statement after the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 was signed into law for the 59th consecutive year. The final conference report passed the House by a vote of 377-48 and the Senate by a vote of 86-8.

“Today, with the signature on the FY20 NDAA, Congress reminds the country that we can put aside our policy disagreements to legislate on the biggest issues facing our country – in this case, providing for our national security and supporting military personnel and their families.

“Legislating in a divided government is difficult, but today we celebrate the most progressive NDAA in decades being signed into law. This bill delivers key Democratic wins including a provision that grants 12 full weeks of paid parental leave to all workers across the federal government, and the repeal of the unjust ‘widow’s tax.’

“While this year’s bill was contentious, I am proud of the final product. I am proud that this bill will change the lives of millions by providing paid parental leave. I am proud that this bill will better provide for the widows and families of those service members who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. And I am proud that this bill reflects Democratic priorities and American values.”
