State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs

Committee Contact Information

HT-2 The Capitol
(202) 225-2041



  • Nita Lowey, Chairwoman
  • Barbara Lee
  • Grace Meng
  • David E. Price
  • Lois Frankel
  • Norma Torres
  • Hal Rogers, Ranking Member
  • Jeff Fortenberry
  • Martha Roby



  • Diplomacy and Development
    • Department of State
    • United States Agency for International Development
    • Peace Corps
    • Millennium Challenge Corporation
  • Export and Trade
    • Export-Import Bank
    • Overseas Private Investment Corporation
    • Trade and Development Agency
  • Department of the Treasury
    • International Affairs Technical Assistance
    • International Financial Institutions
  • Related Agencies and Programs
    • African Development Foundation
    • The Asia Foundation
    • Broadcasting Board of Governors
    • Center for Middle Eastern-Western Dialogue Trust Fund
    • East-West Center
    • Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship Program
    • Inter-American Foundation
    • Israeli Arab Scholarship Program
    • National Endowment for Democracy
    • United States Institute of Peace
  • Commissions
    • Border Environment Cooperation Commission 
    • Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad
    • Commission on International Religious Freedom 
    • Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
    • Congressional-Executive Commission on the People's Republic of China
    • International Boundary Commission
    • International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico
    • International Fisheries Commissions
    • International Joint Commission
    • United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission