Developing Guidance to Protect the Public’s Health

Developing Guidance to Protect the Public’s Health
Search CDC Guidance Documents

CDC offers guidance for businesses, communities, schools, healthcare professionals, laboratories, health departments, workplaces and various industries.

CDC protects the health of communities across the country. Since the early days of the pandemic, epidemiologists at CDC have been using information from the different types of studies we have discussed to develop evidence-based guidance, such as wearing cloth masks to prevent the spread of the virus. These are meant for various audiences, including:

  • healthcare providers and health departments,
  • laboratory scientists,
  • healthcare and long-term care facilities,
  • schools and businesses,
  • first responders,
  • pregnant people and parents,
  • travelers,
  • homeless shelters, and
  • pet owners.

COVID-19 guidance provides information for these various groups on how to slow the spread of the disease and protect their health. Topics include:

Terms to know

Evidence-based: Based on information from data collected using scientific methods.