


2020年12月10日, 上午11:00更新的數字 從2020年12月9日開始提供信息

Recent updates

New Regional Stay Home Order

To preserve our health care system, the Regional Stay Home Order goes into effect if intensive care unit (ICU) capacity drops below 15% in a region. Counties in the region will be subject to new restrictions.

Read about the order

Immediate relief fund for businesses

California is providing new relief for businesses including tax deferrals, an emergency relief package, and an increased California Rebuilding Fund. Check back here to find out when you can sign up.

Learn more about the resources available

The state will provide a COVID-19 vaccine to everyone in California who wants it

A safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine will be one of the most important tools to end the COVID-19 pandemic.

Learn more


For businesses

Thank you

Thank you for doing everything you can to stop the spread of COVID-19 this holiday season.