Do our part to keep California healthy

Let’s all work together to keep our California communities healthy.

The state is mobilizing at every level to proactively and aggressively protect the health and well-being of Californians, but we cannot fight this outbreak alone. We need the participation and support of every Californian. That is why we’re providing recent, relevant and reliable information. Californians need to know how critical it is to stay home, learn how to stay healthy and where they can get help. These actions are critical and there is no doubt our collective efforts save lives.

Help get the word out. Please share videos and social media messages about state and local resources available to support the health, safety and well-being of all Californians. We are all in this together.

Learn more about California Connected, California’s contact tracing program.


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California has never seen a crisis like this before. But we can overcome anything when we work together. Every mask, hand wash, and foot of physical distance helps. For more ways you can help slow the spread, visit: #YourActionsSaveLives

California nunca había visto una crisis como esta. Pero podemos superar cualquier cosa cuando trabajamos juntos. Cada mascarilla, lavada de manos, y distanciamiento físico ayuda. Para más maneras de como prevenir la propagación del virus, visita #TusAccionesSalvanVidas

Sésamo: Regreso a clases con Elmo

¡Elmo se está preparando para el regreso a clases con su papi! La escuela puede parecer un poco distinta este año, pero de esta manera podemos mantenernos sanos y seguir aprendiendo. Prepárate para este regreso a clases junto a Elmo y recuerda, estamos juntos en esto.

Sesame Street: Back to School with Elmo PSA

Elmo’s getting ready for back to school with his daddy! School may look a little different this year, but we can all stay healthy and keep learning. Join Elmo in getting ready for school because we are all in this together. #CaringForEachOther

Your List

While it’s safest not to gather, these tips can help you lower the risk if you do.

Some Things You Can’t Take Back

Lower the risk of COVID-19. Wear a mask, do what you can outside, and stay 6 feet apart. Because some things you can’t take back.

Sesame Street: Wear a Mask with Oscar

Oscar the Grouch here to tell YOU…yeah YOU…to wear a mask when out in public. #CaringForEachOther

Wear a Mask. Slow the Spread. 

Even without symptoms, you can expose others to COVID-19. Wear a mask to slow the spread.

Sésamo: Oscar te pide que uses cubrebocas

Oscar está aquí para decirte a TI…SÍ, A TI… que uses tu cubrebocas cuando estés en público. #CaringForEachOther


Cuando se trata del COVID-19, es mejor prevenir que lamentar. Usa mascarilla y mantén tu distancia. Especialmente con tu familia.

Wear A Mask

Even without symptoms, you can expose others to COVID-19. Wear a mask to slow the spread.

La regla de los 6 pies

Comprométete a mantener a los californianos saludables manteniéndote a 6 pies de distancia de los demás en todo momento.

What is Contact Tracing?

For years, we’ve used contact tracing to fight infectious diseases like tuberculosis and measles. Now the CA COVID Team is using it to fight COVID-19. Don’t worry, it’s just a call and a few questions. We can even help you find free, confidential testing & get access to medical care, if needed. Information is kept confidential and protected by California’s strict privacy laws. Please answer the call. Together, we can slow the spread.

Stay 6 Feet Away

Take extra care to stay 6 feet away from others while doing essential tasks like getting groceries and prescriptions. By taking a few steps back, we can keep California healthy.

En California usamos mascarillas

Juntos podemos reducir la propagación. Usa una mascarilla cada vez que salgas de casa para reducir el riesgo de propagar COVID-19.

Find the Mask That Fits Your Life

Find (or make) the perfect mask for you. As California now mandates masks in public, it’s important to understand the different kinds and the right way to wear them.

How to Wear A Mask

Learn how to correctly wear a mask and protect those around you from COVID-19. Let’s cover up to slow the spread. This video is also available with captions in seven other languages: Spanish, Arabic, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.

Make It Happen

Do your part to help reopen our schools and our economy. Stay 6 feet apart. Wash your hands. Wear a mask when you leave your home. Join the fight to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Juntos podemos contra el COVID-19

Juntos podemos proteger a nuestras familias, reabrir las escuelas y estabilizar los trabajos. Mantengamos seis pies de distancia. Lavémonos las manos con frecuencia. Y usemos mascarilla todas las veces que salimos de casa. Con responsabilidad podemos recobrar lo perdido.

I Care

A simple piece of fabric makes a big statement: I care.

Detrás de la mascarilla

Un pedacito de tela demuestra que los demás te importan. Usa mascarilla para proteger a quienes amas y reduce la propagación.

California Connected
Contact tracing is a simple, confidential process. The more people who answer the call, the more lives and jobs California saves. Together, we can stop the spread. For more information, visit the California Connected website.

Manteniendo saludables a nuestras familias y comunidades

Las pruebas y el rastreo de contactos nos ayudarán a reducir la propagación del COVID-19. Entre más personas contesten la llamada, más vidas y empleos se salvarán en California. California Connected.

California Connected: Keeping Our Families and Communities Healthy

It’s time for the next step in slowing the spread of COVID-19 in California: Contact tracing. Contact tracing is an effective, anonymous way to do your part. This free and confidential process has been used by public health for decades to slow the spread of infectious disease.

The more people who participate — by answering the call — the more lives and jobs California saves.

Learn more at

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The Office of the Governor of California, Gavin Newsom

California Department of Public Health

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