I have always been a strong advocate for the unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel. As Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I believe it is absolutely critical that we stand with Israel and provide the Jewish state what it needs to protect itself from the many threats it faces, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran.
I have consistently advocated for a two-state solution, based on the principle of two states for two peoples. I believe that peace can be achieved when a Jewish state of Israel and a Palestinian Arab state exist side-by-side, living in peace, dignity and security. I am under no illusions that negotiating a final status agreement will be easy, but I sincerely hope the parties will be able to achieve that goal.
My travels to the region have brought me to Israel and the Palestinian territories many times, most recently in May, 2019. I have met with both Jewish and Arab leaders, and in these discussions, I’ve consistently advocated for U.S.-Israel security cooperation, stopping Palestinian incitement, and building a future of tolerance and peace.
Throughout my time in Congress, I have also helped to craft legislation to advance the U.S.-Israel relationship and our shared security priorities.
I support strengthening our close security relationship with Israel, and I support defense cooperation, such as the Iron Dome, that allows for closer collaboration in innovation and technology. I have cosponsored H.R. 1837, the United States–Israel Cooperation Enhancement and Regional Security Act, to further strengthen the U.S.-Israel collaboration on areas such as desalinization, transportation, and veterans affairs.  
Additionally, the Global Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement has sought to delegitimize the existence of Israel as a state. I support H.Res.246, a resolution opposing efforts to delegitimize the State of Israel and the Global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement targeting Israel and supporting the two-state solution.
I have pushed to invest in people – to -people programming, which would help build tolerance and peacebuilding among Israeli Jews, Israeli Arabs, and Palestinians. I have also helped sponsor legislation that would seek to restore U.S. assistance to Palestinians. The resumption of assistance is an important step in setting conditions for a peaceful, sustainable negotiated resolution between Israel and the Palestinian people.

I have worked with members from both sides of the aisle to ensure that Iran will never get a nuclear weapon. I helped author legislation to impose new sanctions on Iran in the hopes of bringing Iran to the negotiating table.  While I initially opposed the Iran nuclear agreement because I wanted a stronger deal, I ultimately believed that staying in the deal was the best choice  because going back on our word harmed America’s reputation in the world.
I am alarmed and disappointed that, after more than two years, the Trump Administration has no strategy to compel Iran to the negotiating table. Rather than moving toward armed conflict, we should strive to deescalate the situation and resolve problems through diplomacy and dialogue. I remain deeply concerned about the dangers of miscalculation and am committed to ensuring that the Trump Administration does not engage in offensive military action without the prior approval of Congress. 

Hezbollah now poses an increasingly more dangerous threat to Israel, with more than 150,000 rockets pointed at Israel, increasingly more precise and sophisticated. I led nearly 400 Senators and members of the House in a letter to the President underscoring the threat that Hezbollah poses to Israel and the rest of the region. I was also the lead cosponsor of recent Hezbollah sanctions bills that sought to crack down on Hezbollah’s operations in the region, including  the Hezbollah International Financing Prevention Amendments Act (S. 1595).