The digital revolution has touched all of our lives. Information that used to take months of research is now instantly available We can communicate across the globe from anywhere through text, video and social media. Our ability to communicate is miraculous, but as with every revolution these changes bring a host of challenges and concerns.

The decision of the FCC under President Trump to repeal net neutrality is a significant danger for our country and must be countered. If net neutrality is not restored, internet providers could give preferential access to content they associate with, deprioritizing delivery of other websites. They could also restrict access for websites they view as competitors. That is why I was proud to join my House and Senate colleagues to unveil legislation that would restore net neutrality protections for consumers and small businesses. The Save the Internet Act, H.R. 1644, will protect consumers and small businesses from having internet providers block, throttle, or, discriminate among content providers by paid prioritization or any other means. It protects consumers against unjust practices and promotes fair competition on the internet. The bill will also focus on expanding broadband access for rural communities, the working class, veterans, seniors, students, and disabled Americans. The ongoing innovation of the internet that makes our lives richer and more accessible. It should be shared by all Americans, which is why we must fight for fair and open internet.

While technological innovation has clearly improved our lives, there are times when it must be checked to protect the rights and privacy of Americans. I was proud to introduce H.R. 4021, the Facial, Analysis, Comparison and Evaluation (FACE) Protection Act to defend the privacy of individuals from the pervasive government use of facial recognition technology. The bill would prohibit any federal agency from applying facial recognition technology to any photo identification issued by a State or the Federal Government without a Federal court order. This bill comes after disturbing reports that agencies such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are infiltrating state driver’s license databases and using the photos of motorists without their permission or knowledge. The unwarranted surveillance of American residents is unacceptable as it represents a breach of the rights outlined in the United States Constitution. As your Congressman, I will work tirelessly until this troubling trend is no more.

Email and social media have become central part of our everyday lives. Freedom of expression online should not be restricted by fear of access by potential employers and educational institutions.  I reintroduced the Social Networking Online Protection Act (SNOPA) which would prohibit current or potential employers and educational institutions from requiring employees or students to turn over their social media passwords to maintain employment or enrollment. SNOPA would also prevent retaliation or discrimination by employers or future employers on account of an individual not giving up personal media access. I believe that the sentiments that we share through email or social media accounts, such as Facebook and Twitter, are deeply personal and no one should have to surrender them for a job or place in school. In a nation where freedom of speech and expression are typically of paramount importance, we should begin to judge our social media freedoms with the same value.

I have also worked to protect my constituents against the annoyances caused by robocalls. I was excited to cosponsor H.R. 2355, the Regulatory Oversight Barring Obnoxious (ROBO) Calls and Texts Act, which would create a new division within the Enforcement Bureau at the FCC to ensure consumer protection and compliance with federal laws relating to public safety and robocalls. The new division would make government operations against robocalls more coordinated and efficient. I have a long history of sticking up for everyday people in the fight against unwanted robocalls, giving them more tools to fight the annoyance as well as giving the FCC stronger enforcement tools to do so. Americans receive almost 50 billion robocalls each year and that number is only getting higher. These calls continue to frustrate and anger people from every walk of life, you can be sure that I am going to continue to work my hardest to stop this pointless epidemic.

As your Congressman, I will always fight for an internet that is open and fair but, at the same time, has the utmost respect for the cornerstone rights and privileges of all Americans. That is my mission.