
Rep. Engel: June Jobs Report Strong – More Must Be Done

Washington, DC –Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY) said today’s U.S. Department of Labor employment numbers showed that the economy continues its recovery.  He renewed calls for a jobs bill to bolster the gains.  In June, the U.S. economy added 288,000 jobs and the unemployment rate fell to 6.1 percent, marking 52 consecutive months of job growth.  The numbers for May were revised up to 224,000, making it the fifth consecutive month of job-increases above 200,000.

Rep. Engel said, “Our economy continues to recover and Americans are returning to work.  But more must be done.  Imagine what we could do if Congress worked in unison with the recovery.  A jobs bill would make vital investments in our nation’s infrastructure, and provide a needed boost to the construction and transportation sectors.  With underemployment rates at high levels, we must continue to push for new measures to ensure a sustainable, long-term recovery.

“Congress must also work to shore-up the Highway Trust Fund which is set to run out of funds on August 1st.  Remaining uncertainty in the Trust Fund will hurt construction jobs at a time when infrastructure projects are usually at their peak.  Funding the Trust Fund should be among Congress’s top priorities to ensure that job gains aren’t diminished due to halted projects.”

Rep. Engel also called on House GOP to extend unemployment benefits that expired on December 31, 2013.

“House Republicans refusal to allow an up-or-down vote to extend unemployment insurance is hurting families and the economy.  I have called time and again to allow a vote on the floor – but they refuse.  Too many individuals and families are counting on us – we can’t let them down.

“The numbers are promising – but we cannot leave behind anyone who was hurt by the Great Recession.  That is not how we do things in this country.”