

Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) voted against the House Republican Majority’s bill to take federal funding from National Public Radio.  While the Republicans claim this will help with the deficit, according to a preliminary estimate from the Congressional Budget Office, this bill will produce no savings for the taxpayer and will not reduce the deficit.  The measure passed the House 228 to 192, with all the no votes coming from Democrats and seven Republicans.

“This is the latest in a series of ideological votes by the new House Republican majority.  After repeatedly questioning ‘Where are the jobs?’ during their 2010 campaign, the Republicans have introduced nothing in the first three months of the year to create any jobs.  Instead, they have embarked on an agenda targeting every government program that they have opposed for years.   While our unemployed continue to struggle, the Republicans continue to pander to their political base.  It is just a waste of the people’s time.

“To prove this bill is nothing but politics, not only does it not reduce the deficit but if it became law it would result in the loss of 9,000 jobs.  Where are the jobs, indeed.   The bill is an attack on public radio content generally, not just NPR.  The bill prohibits public radio stations from using federal funds to acquire any programming from any source.  This includes National Public Radio, American Public Media, Public Radio International, Public Radio Exchange, and program-producing stations like WNYC, WBUR, and many others. 

“Even if you do not listen to NPR, it fills a vital role in our national debate with quality news programming, and in-depth non-ideological debate.   Despite claims made by conservative talk shows and right-leaning elected officials, NPR’s only agenda is to provide news coverage free from ideology.  In today’s climate where news coverage has devolved into partisan talking heads, NPR gives the option of journalism without the spin. 

“It is time for Republicans to join Democrats to create jobs, strengthen the middle class, and responsibly reduce the deficit.  Let’s stop with these pointless partisan bills that will likely never get past the Senate, much less to the President’s desk, and start passing legislation that will really make a difference in the lives of Americans and solve problems facing our nation.”
