
November 14, 2017 Report
State-by-State Numbers on the State and Local Tax Deduction

Compiled by the Ways and Means Committee Democrats using IRS 2015 tax data

STATE # of Households Claiming SALT Deduction
January 10, 2017 Report
What is a Motion to Recommit with Instructions? The motion to recommit with instructions provides one final chance to amend a bill before it is passed by the full House of Representatives.
January 10, 2017 Report
What is a Motion on Ordering the Previous Question on the Rule?
December 31, 2014 Report
The motion to recommit with instructions provides one final chance to amend a bill before it is passed by the full House of Representatives.
December 5, 2014 Report
Defeating the previous question gives the minority party the opportunity to decide what bill or amendments the House will consider.
January 23, 2013 Report
The motion to recommit with instructions provides one final chance to amend a bill before it is passed by the full House of Representatives. The Rules of the 112th and 113th Congress provide for a motion to recommit with instructions “forthwith,” meaning the House must immediately vote on the bill, as amended, if the motion to recommit is adopted.
January 23, 2013 Report
Defeating the previous question gives the minority party the opportunity to decide what bill or amendments the House will consider.
October 4, 2012 Report
The motion to recommit with instructions provides one final chance to amend a bill before it is passed by the full House of Representatives. The Rules of the 112th Congress provide for a motion to recommit with instructions “forthwith,” meaning the House must immediately vote on the bill, as amended, if the motion to recommit is adopted.
October 3, 2012 Report
Defeating the previous question gives the minority party the opportunity to decide what bill or amendments the House will consider.