
Jobs & Economy

The economy just isn’t working the way it should: the costs of living keep rising, but families’ incomes and wages aren’t keeping up.


Nothing brings more revenue to the Treasury than an investment in our children’s education whether it is early childhood, K-12, higher education, post graduate, or lifetime learning.

Immigration Reform

Our nation’s immigrants are the constant reinvigoration of America. Each wave of newcomers brings their patriotism, bravery and determination to succeed to our shores – and in doing so, makes America more American.

Health Care

In America, health care should be a right for all, not a privilege for the wealthy few.


Learn about news and information related to Veterans issues.

Women's Economic Agenda

When women succeed, America succeeds. It’s a fact whose truth resonates throughout our history. And today, the success of women is more important than ever to the strength of America’s working families and the future of our economy.

Democracy, Campaign Finance Reform & Voting Rights

Our Founders pledged their lives, their liberty and their sacred honor to build a democracy: a government of the many, not of the money.

Gun Violence Prevention

Upon taking office, every Member of Congress makes a solemn pledge: to protect and defend the American people.  This is the most important oath we take as elected officials – and to honor this promise, we must do everything in our power to keep our children and our communities safe from the threat of gun violence.

Energy & Environment

The verdict of science is clear: climate change is real, and its consequences are undeniable. Rising seas, savage droughts, horrific famines, devastating floods and life-threatening air pollution will impact every nation on every continent – and communities across America are already feeling the effects.

Human & Civil Rights

In the United States, we draw our strength from the strength of our most treasured ideals: that all human beings are created equal and are endowed with equal rights – no matter what they look like, where they come from or who they love. Our success and endurance as a nation depend on our commitment to upholding the promises of freedom and justice written into our founding documents.