Dear Colleague on End of 116th Congress

December 30, 2020
Press Release

Dear Democratic Colleague,

As we prepare to close the 116th Congress, I write to express my deep appreciation for the unity of House Democrats in fighting For The People.  It is with great optimism that we prepare for a new Congress and a new Administration.

Congress has passed and the President has signed a coronavirus relief bill to help fight the virus and put money in the pockets of the American people, but much more needs to be done to honor our heroes at the state and local level.  Supporting them will facilitate making the much-anticipated vaccine more readily and fairly available.

We must join in the Biden-Harris Administration’s Build Back Better initiative for job creation and economic opportunity, including its protections of our planet.  The pandemic has pulled back the veil of inequality, sharpening our focus on the disparities that rage in our economy and our society.  In our work, we must promote justice in the economy, in health care, in law enforcement and in the environment.

As we go forward, we do so with pride in the work of our Caucus, Committee Chairs and Committee Members and with confidence that we will get the job done.  It is imperative that we do so connecting with the hopes and dreams of our constituents and with prayers for a better future for all.

Thanks for your leadership and your friendship. 

Best wishes for a Happy New Year.