Planning Resources by Setting: Emergency Responders and 9-1-1

The following resources are intended to assist communities who work in 9-1-1 and Emergency Medical Services with considering how to use call centers and other partners to relieve the surge on those systems during an emergency.

Healthcare Preparedness and Response Team Tools

Other Tools

  • Emergency Medical Services & Medical Surge: Essential Legal Issues
    The webinar and report features research and analysis of legal issues impacting EMS providers and others during medical surge. Topics include emergency, disaster, or public health emergency authorities; use of protocols to authorize specific actions among EMS providers; licensing reciprocity; modifying scopes of practice; EMTALA; legal accountability; liability protections; and reimbursement to EMS providers for patient transport to alternate sites.
  • Adapting Community Call Centers for Crisis Support: A Model for Home-Based Care and Monitoringexternal icon
    This AHRQ report describes a model to enable community health call centers to support home-management and shelter-in-place approaches in mass casualty or public health emergency events. Community call centers include poison control centers, nurse advice lines, and other hotlines.
Page last reviewed: September 18, 2020, 04:35 PM