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United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Regulatory Guidance

Welcome to the FMCSA Guidance Portal. This web portal is a searchable, indexed database that contains and links to all guidance documents in effect from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

The guidance documents lack the force and effect of law, unless expressly authorized by statute or incorporated into a contract. FMCSA may not cite, use, or rely on any guidance that is not posted on this Guidance Portal, except to establish historical facts.

This Guidance Portal represents the exclusive source of guidance that the FMCSA has determined is in effect. In accordance with Executive Order 13891 and OMB Memorandum M-20-02, any previously issued guidance that does not appear in the Guidance Portal is considered rescinded and of no legal effect.

For more information regarding the procedures associated with the development and issuance of DOT guidance documents, please see the Department’s regulations on “Administrative Rulemaking, Guidance, and Enforcement Procedures” (December 27, 2019). To comment on any guidance document, or to request issuance, reconsideration, modification, or rescission of any guidance document in accordance with 49 CFR 5.41, send your request to: Please identify the guidance document in your request.

Subject Agency Identifier Topic Issued Date
§380.605 – Definitions Guidance Q&A Question 5: Can States impose more stringent standards than those established by the entry-level driver training (ELDT) regulations? FMCSA-ELDT-380.605-Q005 Commercial Driver License; Entry level Driver Training
What if a driver is stopped for a roadside inspection after having taken only one rest period that qualifies for the split sleeper berth provision? FMCSA-HOS-2020-395-FAQ03 Hours of Service
A driver takes 5 consecutive hours off-duty and later takes a 7-hour consecutive break in the sleeper berth. How is this time calculated for HOS compliance? FMCSA-HOS-2020-395-FAQ06 Hours of Service
May a driver choose to use the sleeper berth provision some days and the other provisions of 49 CFR 395.1(g) other days? FMCSA-HOS-2020-395-FAQ09 Hours of Service
May the adverse driving conditions exception be used in concert with the revised short-haul provisions? FMCSA-HOS-2020-395-FAQ21 Hours of Service
Does the 30-minute break count against the 14-hour “driving window”? FMCSA-HOS-2020-395-FAQ18 Hours of Service
Are drivers required to annotate an adverse driving condition they encountered on their electronic logging device (ELD)? FMCSA-HOS-2020-395-FAQ15 Hours of Service
What rest periods qualify for the split sleeper berth provision? FMCSA-HOS-2020-395-FAQ02 Hours of Service
How are split sleeper berth rest periods used in determining compliance with the 14-hour "driving window" rule? FMCSA-HOS-2020-395-FAQ04 Hours of Service
If a driver takes 3 hours off-duty and then 10 consecutive hours in the sleeper berth, will the 3 hours count against the driver's 14-hour "driving window"? FMCSA-HOS-2020-395-FAQ07 Hours of Service