COVID-19 DHS Resources

Guidance is rapidly changing as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds. Please check regularly for the latest information.

The Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS) has taken significant steps to ensure the safety and well-being of our team and those we serve during the COVID-19 pandemic. We continue to deploy a consistent approach to our statewide operations to ensure clarity for our team members as well as all of our partners, and to account for the complexity of our work across counties, regions and service areas.
DHS will continue its robust mitigation efforts while ensuring continued access to services. Field offices throughout the state will continue to serve Iowans by appointment only and much of DHS’ office staff will continue to work from home. Facilities will continue health screenings, the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other enhanced mitigation practices.

DHS is participating in the Economic Recovery Advisory Board Public Health and Healthcare Workgroup. Learn more here.

Please see the resources below for DHS-specific information on COVID-19. You can also view a summary of DHS' COVID-19 response here and a summary of DHS' Facilities COVID-19 response here. Check back frequently for updates.

COVID-19 Testing for the Uninsured

If you are uninsured and wish to apply for COVID-19 Testing medical coverage, complete an Application for COVID-19 Testing Coverage (Solicitud de cobertura de la prueba para detectar el COVID-19).

Only use this application if you do not have health coverage and wish to be tested for COVID-19. The health coverage you will get if you are found eligible using this application will only pay for medical tests for COVID-19. It will not help you pay for other medical costs, including doctor visits, hospital care, or prescriptions.

To apply for full medical benefits, please visit


Clients and Providers

Child Care

Please note: Child Care Guidance is in the process of collecting feedback from local public health. Check back soon for updated guidance.

Child Abuse Prevention

Child Support

Iowa Medicaid


Food Security


Foster Care


Mental Health


DHS Facilities


Volunteering During COVID-19


DHS Team Members

DHS Supervisor Toolkit (this is updated regularly as events unfold—check back frequently)

DHS has been working on multiple contingency plans to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic. DHS is implementing telework options for many on our team.

Much of our team members provide direct care support. We are working to further equip our social workers with tools to keep them safe. (See resources for Social Workers below)

For those at our facilities we’ve increased screening, suspended in-person visitation and are putting in place additional cleaning and sanitation.

For those who need to be in the office to do their work, we’ve increased cleaning and sanitation. We are also exploring child care options for our team in the event of further or prolonged school and child care closures. 

DHS Social Workers and Contractors

External Resources

Iowa Judicial Branch COVID-19 Information and Updates

Order in the Matter of Ongoing Provisions for Coronavirus/COVID-19 Impact on Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Youth and Families

Look After Your Mental Health During Coronavirus

Special Considerations For Higher Risk Groups

COVID-19 Potential Fraud Scam Alert Targeting SNAP Participants

Iowa Multi-lingual COVID-19 Phone Line

Children's Trust Fund Alliance: How Protective Factors Can Help Navigate the COVID-19 Crisis

COVID-19: Iowa Business Recovery Assistance

USDA COVID-19 FAQs: Price Gouging Concerns (scroll down and click to open the "Reporting Market Concerns" tab)

FAQ: Public Health and Social Service Emergency Fund

Stress Management for Workers Exposed to Covid-19 Risk

Helping your Child Cope with the COVID-19 Pandemic

Suggestions for Sustaining Resilience during the COVID-19 Response

Federal Trade Commission (FTC): FTC Alerts Consumers About Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities Taking Stimulus Checks From Medicaid Patients

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC): COVID-19 Guidance for Direct Service Providers, Caregivers, Parents, and People with Developmental and Behavioral Disorders

The Senior List: Home-Proofing for COVID-19 and the Flu

Emotional Support for DHS Team Members

Per the CDC, the outbreak of COVID-19 may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. DHS supervisors have been encouraged to proactively share information on the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) with their team members. EAP offers confidential resources to help State employees and eligible family members address challenges which may impact job performance, affect well-being, and take a toll on overall health. EAP services are provided at no cost to employees and eligible family members. Staff can contact the EAP provider at 800-833-3031 or