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Human Trafficking Interagency Coordinating Council


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What do I do if I suspect trafficking? When in doubt, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-3888 and local law enforcement. If a minor is a suspected victim of trafficking, the Department of Services for Children, Youth, and their Families can also be contacted at 1-800-292-9582.

What do I do if I think I may be a victim? Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-3888 and the Delaware Victim Services Center at 1-800-Victim-1. Reach out to a community partner with a focus on responding to sexual assault.

YWCA-SARC rape crisis hotline 1-800-773-8570
Contact Lifeline - SAND hotline 1-800-262-9800

The Salvation Army Restoration Now warmline - 302-256-1511


The Delaware Human Trafficking Interagency Coordinating Council was established through legislation to coordinate the State's response to human trafficking.
The partnerships on the Council support victim services, collection and evaluation of data, coordinating training, and promoting public awareness.

Members of the Council
Meeting Calendar
Enacting Legislation: HB 164 and HB 291


