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Health Care Quality

Our Division has three main sections dealing with long term care and acute/ambulatory licensing and certification, as well as investigations.

What's New?

To: Delaware Certified Nursing Assistants
Date: January 06, 2020

RELIAS CNA Recertification Process PowerPoint

  1. How do I log into RELIAS to complete my CNA CEUs?
    • Please go to the URL for RELIAS
    • Every CNA learner is required to have an e-mail address to access RELIAS learning. If you do not already have an e-mail address, you can obtain a free e-mail address through:,,, or
    • Do not create or register an account for yourself in RELIAS. An account has been automatically created for you. Use your e-mail address or CNA certification number as your login. If you do not have an e-mail address you will need to use your CNA certification number to initially log onto RELIAS, but should obtain an e-mail address.
    • CNAs will login by entering their e-mail addresses and a temporary password which will be sent to your email address. We recommend you change your password using 8 characters that include letters and numbers with one letter being uppercase.
  2. How do I pay my renewal fee?
    • CNAs will pay their $25.00 renewal fee online through the RELIAS website using a credit card (which can be prepaid) or with a debit card.
  3. How do I submit my renewal form?
    • CNAs will fill out the 64-hour employer renewal form online. The 64-hour renewal form is listed as a class. All information entered will be verified by the Division of Health Care Quality (DHCQ).
  4. What if I am experiencing technical difficulties with the RELIAS process?
    • If you have difficulty logging into RELIAS, please call their customer service number at 1-844-735-2223, which will have a representative available from Monday through Friday 8AM-8PM.
  5. My employer requires that we complete our in-services through RELIAS. Can I use those classes for my CNA renewal?
    • Yes. The DHCQ will allow credit for any RELIAS courses taken within your certification period. Please contact RELIAS customer service support once your account is activated to have your transcript from your employer transferred to your State of Delaware DHCQ account for viewing by DHCQ.
    • The RELIAS customer service number is 1-844-735-2223.
    • Please tell Customer Support you are requesting a "transcript transfer".
  6. I've already completed my required 24- hour CEUs in Elsevier. How will I get credit for those lessons?
    • If you have completed all of your lessons in Elsevier, that historical data has been uploaded into the RELIAS learning system. Credit for all Elsevier learning will be given.
    • CNAs are still required to log into RELIAS and pay the $25.00 fee to purchase the recertification package; you will then need to complete the 64-hour employment verification form located within the package with all of the other classes.
    • DHCQ will process your renewal once verification of your CEUs and your employment is completed.
  7. What if I didn't finish my required 24-hour CEUs in Elsevier?
    • If you did not complete all 24 hours of learning in Elsevier, you will be required to complete additional lessons in RELIAS.
    • CNAs will log into RELIAS, pay the $25.00 renewal fee, and complete additional courses within the package of courses listed. A record of the lessons completed in Elsevier is already noted in RELIAS.
    • You must have a total of 24 hours of learning (CEUs) within your certification period in order to renew, including the required abuse/neglect and dementia training.
  8. What is my certification period?
    • Your certification period is the two years' time between the date of your last renewal and the date of your upcoming renewal;
      • Example: CNAs who are due for renewal January 31, 2020
      • Certification Period: February 1, 2018 ‐ January 31, 2020
  9. Will I still be able to do my lessons in RELIAS on my mobile device (cell phone, tablet, etc.) as I did with Elsevier?
    • Yes, the RELIAS platform can be accessed on a mobile device.
  10. Will my employers/supervisor have viewing rights?
    • As they had in Elsevier, employers will have viewing rights in RELIAS.
    • The e-mail CNAs launch as the Relias account is viewable by those who employ CNAs.
    • Employers will have access to CNA information in Relias but provided with the expressed intent of transcript verification only. Any information used for any purpose other than transcript verification will result in access revocation.
  11. Can I take CEU classes in RELIAS after my lapse date:
    • Pursuant to Delaware Health Care Quality Regulation:
      • A CNA who fails to renew prior to the expiration date and has not completed education and work requirements is considered lapsed.
      • A CNA with a lapsed certification is not permitted to work as a CNA in the State of Delaware.
      • The CNA must take and pass the CNA competency test in order to work as a CNA in the State of Delaware.
      • A CNA who has lapsed and takes the CEU classes in RELIAS after their lapse date cannot be renewed. A CNA cannot be reimbursed for the $25.00 payment made through RELIAS if they take CEUs after their lapse date. All CEUs must be completed along with the 64‑hour renewal form before a CNA's lapse date in order to be renewed for their re‑certification period.
      • A CNA will have to contact Prometric to retake their CNA certification exam if they have lapsed.

If you have any questions, please call the Division of Health Care Quality at 302-421-7410 (New Castle County) or 302-424-8607 (Kent/Sussex County).

Additional updates will be forthcoming.


On February 14, 2018, Governor Carney signed House Bill (HB) 208 into law. HB 208 amended 29 Delaware Code, Chapter 79, Subchapter VI to mandate the use of an Interagency Transfer Form, for exchange of information between health-care agencies and facilities regarding consumer, resident, or patient health conditions and care needs to ensure ongoing quality of care and consumer, resident, or patient centered care for the consumer, resident, or patient in any care setting.

Providers licensed by the Division of Health Care Quality as skilled nursing or assisted living facilities are required to utilize the Interagency Transfer Form are required to utilize the Interagency Transfer Form beginning January 6, 2020.

Providers licensed by the Division of Health Care Quality as skilled nursing or assisted living facilities are required to utilize the Interagency Transfer Form are required to utilize the Interagency Transfer Form beginning January 6, 2020.

An Interagency Transfer Form does not need to be completed by a hospital system if:

The Division of Health Care Quality stands ready to work with your facility to implement these requirements. Feel free to contact us by e-mailing Corinna Getchell at with any questions or further guidance.

The Division of Health Care Quality stands ready to work with your facility to implement these requirements. Feel free to contact us by e-mailing Corinna Getchell at with any questions or further guidance.

Per the U.S. News and World Report, Delaware hospitals rank #1 for Hospital Quality. The full article of the Health Care Quality Rankings can be found here: U.S. News - Best States for Health Care Rankings Page.

There has been an ongoing, nationwide concern, about people's privacy. Both of our Federal and State partners are increasing the number of restrictions placed on our system and how the information is accessed. Based on ever evolving rules and regulations and after a recent review, the Division of Health Care Quality has drafted a new list of disqualifiers. This list is similar to the list used by the State of Delaware, Board of Nursing, in that it encompasses a number of similar offenses used to qualify potential employees. We understand that people make mistakes. Further, that these mistakes should not be held against a person for unusual amounts of time. With that in mind we have grouped the offenses in to six different time constraints. 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years and No limit. These new time constraints will help give you more confidence in our evaluation of an applicant's conviction history and ultimately your decision to hire. We believe that the adoption of this list will better serve the users of the BCC and safe guard those vulnerable people we all wish to help.

The legislation recently signed into law was contained in four (4) separate bills: HB 195, HB 196, HB 208 and HB 225. To find these bills, go to the Delaware General Assembly page. A majority of these revisions included the Division name change, Divisional authority, definitions, replacing of outdated terms, and style/grammar related revisions. Here's a recap of the 195th General Assembly Legislative Revisions.

House Bill (HB) 219
Revised the language in 16 Del.C. §122(3)(y and z) to be consistent with terminology used by accreditation organizations and other states, replacing the term "invasive medical procedure" with the term "office-based surgery". In addition, this Act clarifies the definition to ensure that all facilities that perform such procedures do so in a safe and sanitary environment. Finally, HB 219 adds a requirement that the approved accreditation organizations shall report, at a minimum, findings of surveys and complaint and incident investigations, and data for all office-based surgical facilities to the Department.

House Bill (HB) 91
The Division of Health Care Quality representatives attended the Senate vote on June 5, 2019. HB 91 updates the definition of hospital, raises the fees associated with hospital licensing, and imposes an additional fee for plan reviews prior to construction or renovation of hospitals. The bill was passed and has been signed by the Governor on June 26, 2019.

Free Standing Emergency Department Regulations
The update to the Free Standing Emergency Department regulations are complete. The regulations are scheduled to be published as proposed July 1, 2019.

Office-Based Surgery Regulations
The regulations were published as proposed June 1, 2019 and were open for public comments until July 1, 2019. One comment which supported the regulations was received. The regulations are effective August 11, 2019. .

Emergency Preparedness

In preparation for an impending weather emergency:

In the event of a storm or other disaster, for the City of Wilmington, New Castle County, Kent County, and Sussex County, always contact your Emergency Management Coordinator first.

Please visit the DHCQ Emergency Preparedness page for additional information.

Delaware Music and Memory

Millions of aging Americans living in long-term care facilities face cognitive and physical difficulties and have left behind their familiar surroundings, familiar faces, and even their favorite music. Despite the best efforts of loved ones, their lives often lack meaning, spontaneity, choice, and reliable social interaction. Delaware Music and Memory, provides personalized music for residents in long term care facilities. These musical favorites tap deep memories not lost to dementia and can bring participants back to life, enabling them to feel like themselves again, to converse, socialize and stay present.

Ongoing research and evaluation of Music and Memory's work in care organizations shows consistent results:

To see the benefits of this program watch the following videos

Please visit the DHCQ Music and Memory Facebook Page for more information.

Long Term Care Licensing and Certification

State of Delaware Long Term Care Regulations

As new regulations are developed and existing regulations are updated, public hearings are held to obtain comment from the community...


Licensed Nursing Homes

This includes Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, and also shows which facilities have Medicare / Medicaid certification...


Licensed Assisted Living Facilities

The Division of Health Care Quality is responsible for licensing all long term care facilities in Delaware including Assisted Living Facilities...


Compare Delaware Nursing Homes

This online tool provides detailed information about the past performance of nursing homes that are Medicare or Medicaid certified...


Certified Nursing Assistant Registry

The Division of Health Care Quality is responsible for the training and testing program for CNAs andfor the CNA Registry...


Investigative Section

Criminal Background Checks

The Delaware Code requires the facilities / agencies to complete criminal background checks on persons applying for a position in a nursing home or home health agency...


Complaint & Incident Reporting

DHCQ receives information pertaining to possible abuse, neglect, mistreatment, and / or financial exploitation of residents in long term care facilities...


Adult Abuse Registry Search

A person's name on the Registry is based on a civil finding of abuse, neglect, mistreatment, financial exploitation, or a combination of those findings...


Mandatory Drug Testing

All applicants for employment in long term care facilities and home care agencies must submit to drug testing, according to State of Delaware law...


Acute & Outpatient Care Licensing and Certification

State of Delaware Acute/Outpatient Regulations

As new regulations are developed and existing regulations are updated, public hearings are held to obtain comment from the community...


Hospital Compare

This online tool provides detailed information about the past performance of hospitals that are Medicare or Medicaid certified...


State Licensed Facilities

DHSS licenses facilities to ensure quality healthcare. Facilities include...


State Licensed Agencies

DHSS licenses agencies to ensure quality healthcare. Agencies include...


Acute/Outpatient Applications and Forms

Licensure applications and forms for Hospitals, Home Health Agencies...

