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An Official Vermont Government Website

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SPOTLIGHT is the State of Vermont’s financial transparency website, sponsored by the Agency of Administration, and maintained by the Department of Finance and Management. Financial transparency supports government accountability and allows citizens to see “Where the Money Comes From” used to operate State Government, and “Where the Money Goes” when it is spent. Our goal in creating, and maintaining, this website is to consolidate existing financial information in one easy-to-find, easy-to-access, and user-friendly website, and to educate and inform Vermonters. We believe that meets these goals.

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The information contained on this website is not intended to be legal advice, nor is it designed or intended to be relied upon as authoritative financial, investment, or professional advice. No entity affiliated with, employed by, or constituting part of the State of Vermont warrants, endorses, assures the accuracy of, or accepts liability for the content of any information on this site or of the information contained on websites to which links are provided.