Report Misconduct

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The Office of Professional Responsibility is responsible for investigating allegations of misconduct involving BLM employees. This OPR feedback form is an important avenue for reporting fraud, waste, and misconduct.
Who committed the alleged misconduct/wrongdoing? (What is the title/position held by the alleged wrongdoer? Please include names, addresses and telephone numbers of victims and witnesses. If providing information concerning contractor or grantee fraud, please provide the name of the primary contractor or sub, type of contract, contract or grant numbers, the date of the award and name of agency official.)
What exactly did the individual(s) do that was wrong? (Please provide specific and relevant details concerning the alleged misconduct/wrongdoing.)
When did the misconduct/wrongdoing occur? (Please provide dates and times, if possible.)
Where did the misconduct/wrongdoing occur? (Please provide the bureau or office, city and state.)
How was the misconduct/wrongdoing committed? (e.g. falsifying documents, etc.)
Do you have first hand knowledge of the misconduct/wrongdoing?
Where can we obtain additional information concerning this misconduct/wrongdoing? (i.e. documents, etc.)
Who else might be aware of this misconduct/wrongdoing? (Please provide names, addresses and telephone numbers) How would this individual know about this?
Are you willing to be interviewed concerning this matter? If so please provide your name, address and telephone number, and the best time to contact you. You can provide contact information for us to follow-up with additional questions and still remain confidential.
If you wish to remain confidential, please select: (For a description of Confidentiality, please refer to the "Your Rights" page.)