
The BLM oversees recreational opportunities, commercial activities (livestock grazing, oil and gas development, renewable energy development and initiatives, etc.), wildlife habitat, transportation systems, archaeological sites, wilderness areas, public land survey activities, and numerous other activities.

In support of those activities, the BLM procures goods and services that include but are not limited to:  construction projects; land treatments; professional and nonprofessional services; supplies; information technology resources; workspace leases; environmental studies; support services to the wild horse and burro management program; cadastral surveying; fire prevention, suppression, and rehabilitation services/supplies; and hazardous material management. 

In addition to commercial item buys, most Federal Government procurement actions exceeding $25,000 are synopsized at the Federal Business Opportunities website.

Procurement actions set aside to meet legislative socio-economic goals, or those excluded from competition in accordance with the exceptions for Full and Open Competition requirements in the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Part 6, are not synopsized. Each synopsis identifies the services or supplies required and identifies the Government office responsible for the procurement.


Stewardship Contracting

A large machine clears a stream area in Oregon. BLM photo.

Visit the BLM's Forests and Woodlands Program pages to learn more about Stewardship Contracting.