BEA's Seminar Speaker Series brings in both academic and government researchers who come to discuss their findings with fellow researchers at BEA. These lectures are hosted on-site at BEA in Suitland, Md., and are currently open to federal employees and academics. For more information, contact Scott Wentland or Matthew Knepper.

Seminars and Workshops

2019 - BEA Seminar Series Speakers

Evan Starr
(University of Maryland)
"Low Wage Workers and the Enforceability of Non-compete Agreements"

David Ratner
(Federal Reserve Board)
"The Wages of Nonemployment"

Robert Townsend
Scott Schuh
(West Virginia)
"Integrated Regional Accounts"

Molly Schnell
(Northwestern University)
"The Impacts of Physician Payments on Patient Access, Use, and Health"

Gal Wettstein
(Boston College)
"The Effect of Medicare Part D on Evergreening, Generic Entry, and Drug Prices"

Bruce Weinberg
(Ohio State University)
"Knowledge Spillovers: Pathways between Research and Innovation"

Timothy Harris
(Illinois State University)
"Do SNAP Work Requirements Work?"

Tim Bianco
(Allegheny College)
"The Effect of Unconventional Monetary Policy on Credit Flows"

Morris Davis
(Rutgers University)
"The Impact of Federal Housing Policy on Housing Demand and Homeownership: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment"

Stephen Billings
(University of Colorado, Boulder)
"Schools, Neighborhoods, and the Long-Run Effects of Crime-Prone Peers"

Michael Cala
(Office of National Drug Control Policy)
"Monitoring the Latest Illicit Drug Situation in the United States"

2018 - BEA Seminar Series Speakers

Joshua Gottlieb
(University of British Columbia)
"The Spillover Effects of Top Income Inequality"

Lesley Turner
(University of Maryland)
"Framing Effects, Earnings Expectations, and the Design of Student Loan Repayment Schemes"

Nicholas Papageorge
(Johns Hopkins University)
"Genetic Endowments and Wealth Inequality"

Desmond Toohey
(University of Delaware)
"Changes in Nutrient Intake at Retirement"

Danielle Li
(MIT Sloan)
"Developing Novel Drugs"

Mark Schweitzer
(Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland)
"Opioids and the Labor Market"

Pinka Chatterji
"Medical Malpractice Reforms and the Location Decisions of New Physicians"

Elena Andreyeva
(UPenn Healthcare Management)
"The Effects of Home Health Visit Length on Hospital Readmission"

Kristin McCue
(Census Bureau)
"Creation and Uses of the Business Dynamics Statistics (BDS)"

Pietro Tebaldi
(University of Chicago)
"Nonparametric Estimates of the Demand for Health Insurance Among Low-Income Adults"

Christopher Palmer
(MIT Sloan)
"Gentrification and the Amenity Value of Crime Reductions: Evidence from Rent Deregulation"

Jim Jansen
(Penn State)
"Insights through Search and Social Media Data"

Joel Slemrod
(Michigan Ross)
"Taxing Hidden Wealth: The Consequences of U.S. Enforcement Initiatives on Evasive Foreign Accounts"

Avinash Gannamaneni
"Using Massive Online Choice Experiments to Measure Changes in Well-being"

Atul Gupta
(Upenn Healthcare Management)
"Impacts of Performance Pay for Hospitals: The Readmissions Reduction Program"

Benjamin Jones
(Northwestern Kellogg)
"Artificial Intelligence and Economic Growth"

2017 - BEA Seminar Series Speakers

Martin Hackmann
"The Returns to Nursing: Evidence from a Parental Leave Program"

Ithai Lurie
(Department of the Treasury)
"Did the Affordable Care Act Young Adult Provision Affect Labor Market Outcomes? Analysis Using Tax Data"

Kurt Lavetti
(The Ohio State University)
"The Impacts of Restricting Mobility of Skilled Service Workers: Evidence from Physicians"

Nicholas Sanders
(Cornell University)
"Adapting to Subtle Environmental Change: Agriculture's Trouble with Sulfur After the Acid Rain Program"

Neale Mahoney
(Chicago Booth)
"Provider Incentives and Healthcare Costs: Evidence from Long-Term Care Hospitals"

Kevin Stange
(Michigan University)
"Labor Supply Effects of Occupational Regulation: Evidence from the Nurse Licensure Compact"

Berthold Herrendorf
(Arizona State)
"Unbalanced Growth Slowdown"

Lisa Dettling
(Federal Reserve Board)
"Minimum Wages and Consumer Credit: Impacts on Access to Credit and Traditional and High-Cost Borrowing"

Pat Higgins
(Atlanta Federal Reserve)
"Introduction to GDP Nowcast"

Robert Moffitt
(Johns Hopkins University)
"Welfare Rules, Incentives, and Family Structure"

Adriana Kugler
(Georgetown Public Policy)
"Beyond Job Lock: Impacts of Public Helath Insurance on Occupational and Industrial Mobility"

Irina Panovska
(Lehigh University)
"Is Business Cycle Asymmetry Intrinsic in Industrialized Economies?"

2016 - BEA Seminar Series Speakers

Daniel Shoag
(Harvard Kennedy School)
"No Woman No Crime. Ban the Box, Employment, and Upskilling"

Ankur Pandya
(Harvard School of Public Health)
"Modeling Cardiovascular Disease Progression, Costs, and Quality-Adjusted Life Expectancy"

John Romley
(RAND, University of Southern California)
"U.S. Hospitals Productivity Growth "

Andrew Chang
(Federal Reserve Board)
"Measurement Error in Macroeconomic Data and Economics Research: Data Revisions, Gross Domenstic Product, and Gross Domestic Income "

Jing Guo
(American Institutes for Research)
"What is the Marginal Benefit of Payment-Induced Family Care?"

Kevin Fox
(UNSW Australia)
"Decomposing Value Added Growth over Sectors into Explanatory Factors "

Randall Reback
(Barnard College)
"Does Access to Health Care Affect Teen Birth Rates and School Dropout Rates? Evidence from School-based Health Centers "

Robert Kaestner
(University of Illinois-Chicago)
"Effects of ACA Medicaid Expansions on Health Insurance Coverage and Labor Supply"

Maria Marta Ferryra
(World Bank)
"Charter School Entry and School Choice: The Case of Washington, D.C."

Eduardo Morales
(Princeton University)
"What do Exporters Know?"

2015 - BEA Seminar Series Speakers

Ellen McGrattan
(University of Minnesota)
"On Financing Retirement with an Aging Population "

Tal Gross
(Columbia University)
"Hospitals Insurers of Last Resort "

Richard Hornbeck
(University of Chicago)
"Who Benefits from Productivity Growth? The Local and Aggregate Impacts of Local TFP Shocks on Wages, Rents, and Inequality "

Mark Shepard
"Hospital Network Competition and Adverse Selection: Evidence from the Massachusetts Health Insurance Exchange"

Missaka Warusawitharana
(Federal Reserve Bank)
"Profitability and the Lifecycle of Firms"

David Weinstein
(Columbia University)
"Bar-Code Data and the Measurement of Real Output"

Zack Cooper
(Yale University)
"Why is Health Spending on the Privately Insured in Grand Junction, Colorado so High? Prices, Market Concentration, and Health Spending "

Gabriel Zucman
(London School of Economics)
"Distributional National Accounts: Methods and Estimates for the United States since 1913"

Erzo F.P. Luttmer
(National Bureau of Economic Research)
"The Value of Medicaid: Interpreting Results from the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment"

Michael Chrisitan
(University of Wisconsin)
"Measuring Human Capital in the National Accounts"

Charles Roehrig
(Altarum Institute)
"National Health Expenditures by Medical Condition, 1996-2012"

Daniel Murphy
(University of Virginia)
"Urban Density and the Substitution of Market Purchases for Home Production"

JP Morgan Chase Institute Team
(JP Morgan Chase)
"Weathering Volatility: Big Data on the Financial Ups and Downs of US Individuals"

2014 - BEA Seminar Series Speakers

Matthew Shapiro
(University of Michigan)
"Harnessing Naturally-Occurring Data to Measure Spending and Income"

Nicolas Ziebarth
(University of Iowa)
"Internal capital markets in the Great Depression"

Brent Neiman
(University of Chicago)
"Labor Shares and Inequality"

Matthew Lewis
(Clemson University)
"Hospital Systems and Bargaining Power: Evidence from Out-Of-Market Acquisitions"

Jonathan Skinner
(Dartmouth College)
"Physician Beliefs and Patient Preferences: A New Look at Regional Variation in Health Care Spending"

Christopher Ruhm
(University of Virginia)
"Recessions, Healthy No More?"

Mun Ho
(Harvard University)
"Double Dividend: Environmental Taxes and Fiscal Reform in the United States"

Matthew Grennan
(Wharton – University of Pennsylvania)
"Regulating Innovation with Uncertain Quality: Information, Access, and Risk in Medical Devices"

Mark Huggett
(Georgetown University)
"Taxing Top Earners: A Human Capital Perspective"

Tomas Philipson and Mark Egan
(University of Chicago)
"Adjusting Measures of Economic Output for Health: Is the Business Cycle Countercyclical?"

Marika Cabral
"Claim Timing and Ex Post Adverse Selection"

Jeff Clemens
(UC-San Diego)
"The Effect of U.S. Health Insurance Expansions on Medical Innovation"

Martha Starr
(American University)
"Decomposing growth in healthcare spending: Prices, quantities, diseases, and demographics."

2013 - BEA Seminar Series Speakers

Ariell Reshef
(University of Virginia)
"Estimating Network Effects in a Dynamic Environment"

Marc Rysman
(Boston University)
"Estimating Network Effects in a Dynamic Environment"

Robin Lee
"Insurer Competition and Negotiated Hospital Prices"

F.X. Diebold
(University of Pennsylvania)
"Improving GDP Measurement: A Measurement Error Perspective"

Chad Syverson
(University of Chicago)
"Healthcare Exceptionalism? Productivity and Allocation in the U.S. Healthcare Sector"

Maxim Pinkovskiy
"The Impact of Managed Care Backlash on Health Care Costs"

Heidi Williams
"Do Fixed Patent Terms Distort Innovation? Evidence from Cancer Clinical Trials"

Leemore Dafny
(Federal Trade Commission)
"Healthcare and Antitrust"

Iain Cockburn and Ernst Berndt
(Boston University/MIT)
"Price Indexes for Clinical Trial Research: A Feasibility Study"

Jessie Handbury
"Are Poor Cities Cheap for Everyone? Non-Homotheticity and the Cost of Living Across U.S. Cities"

Andrew Sweeting
"The Potential Entry Defense in Airline Mergers"

Mathew White
(Johns Hopkins University)
"An Ounce of Prevention at Half Price: Evaluating a Subsidy on Health Investments"

Martin Gaynor
(Carnegie Mellon)
"Free to Choose? Reform and Demand Response in the English National Health Service," with Carol Propper and Stephan Seiler

2012 - BEA Seminar Series Speakers

Charles Roehrig
(Altarum Institute)
"Macro Statistics for the Health Sector"

Tricia Johnson
(Rush University)
"Demand for International Medical Travel into the United States"

Anthony Landry
(Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
"Capital Goods Imports, Investment-Specific Productivity, and U.S. Growth"

Ben Handel
"Equilibria in Health Exchanges: Adverse Selection vs. Reclassification Risk"

Tom Koch
(Federal Trade Commission)
"Dynamic Selection in Medical Insurance Markets"

Chapin White
(Center for Studying Health System Change)
"Health Status and Hospital Prices Key to Regional Variation in Private Health Care Spending"

Michael Dickstein
(Stanford University)
"Patient vs. Physician Incentives in Prescription Drug Choice"

Amanda Starc
"Age-Based Heterogeneity and Pricing Regulation on the Massachusetts Health Insurance Exchange"

Amanda Kowalski
"Mandate-Based Health Reform and the Labor Market: Evidence from the Massachusetts Reform", joint with Jonathan Kolstad

2011 - BEA Seminar Series Speakers

Michael Chernew
(Harvard University)
"Geographic variation in spending for the privately insured"

Bob Town
(University of Pennsylvania)
"The Impact of the Adoption of Health IT on Patient Outcomes"

Uli Doraszelski
"Efficiency or Predation: What Drives Pricing When There Is Learning-by-Doing?"

Sean Nicholson
(Cornell University)
"A Quality-Adjusted Price Index for Colorectal Cancer Drugs"

Luis Cabral
"Good Turnover and Bad Turnover: Entry Barriers, Survival Barriers, and Welfare"

Jay Breit
(Colorado State University)
"Incorporating Auxiliary Information Into Complex Survey Estimators Through Modern Regression Methods"

2010 - BEA Seminar Series Speakers

Ricard Gil
(UC-Santa Cruz)
"Vertical Integration and Technology Adoption: Evidence from U.S. Movie Production 1940–1960"

Allan Collard-Wexler
(NYU Stern)
"Productivity Dispersion and Plant Selection in the Ready-Mix Concrete Industry"

Dave Rapson
"Does Absolution Promote Sin? A Conservationist's Dilemma"

Janet Hao
(Conference Board)
"Measuring Intangible Capital and Its Contribution to Economic Growth in Europe" with Bart van Ark, Carol Corrado, and Charles Hultenp

Lutz Kilian
(University of Michigan)
"The Role of Inventories and Speculative Trading in the Global Market for Crude Oil" with Dan Murphy

Forrest McCluer
(Greylock McKinnon Associates)
"Prices and Quantities in Health Care Antitrust Damages"

Ahmed Khwaja
(Yale University)
"Dynamic Entry with Cross Product Spillovers: An Application to the Generic Drug Industry"

Amil Petrin
(University of Minnesota)
"The Impact of Plant-Level Resource Reallocations and Technical Progress on U.S. Macroeconomic Growth"

Anne Hall
(Board of Governors)
"Geographical Variation and the Diffusion of Diagnostic Imaging"

Frank Lichtenberg
(Columbia University)
"Has Medical Innovation Reduced Cancer Mortality?"

Ashish Arora
(Duke University)
"Managing Licensing in a Market for Technology"

Andrew Ching
(University of Toronto)
"Measuring the Informative and Persuasive Roles of Detailing on Prescribing Decisions"

Unni Pillai
(SUNY Albany)
"A Model of Technological Progress in the Microprocessor Industry"

George Alessandria
(Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)
"The Great Trade Collapse of 2008–09: An Inventory Adjustment?"

2009 - BEA Seminar Series Speakers

Ellen McGrattan
(Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)
"Transition to FDI Openness"

Jeff Prince
(Cornell University)
"Has the Internet Accelerated the Diffusion of New Products?"

James Adams
(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
"Discovery and Invention in Science-Based Firms"

Chad Syverson
(University of Chicago)
"Why Do Firms Own Production Chains?"

Brett Gordon
(Columbia University)
"Does AMD Spur Intel to Innovate More?

Gautam Gowrisankaran
(University of Arizona)
"Dynamics of Consumer Demand for New Durable Goods

Emi Nakamura
(Columbia University)
"Product Replacement Bias and Pricing to Market"

Ariel Pakes
(Harvard University)
"An Experimental Component Index for the CPI: From Annual Computer Data to Monthly Data on Other Goods"

Jon Skinner
(Dartmouth College)
"Technology Growth and Expenditure Growth in Health Care" with Amitabh Chandra

Jay Bhattacharya
(Stanford University)
"Economics of Obesity"

2008 - BEA Seminar Series Speakers

Aviv Nevo
(Northwestern University)
"Timing and Quantity of Consumer Purchases and the Consumer Price Index"

Marc Roberts
(Pennsylvania State University)
"R&D Investment and Export Dynamics"