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Please note: Please use the form above for all text comments related to the proposed Firms Subject to the LISCC Supervisory Program. Comments on the LISCC Program that contain attachments or embedded graphics should be submitted via e-mail. E-mail: - include "LISCC Program" in the subject line of the message. Feedback may be submitted via email here until December 7, 2020. Feedback will be made available to the public, and comments should not include confidential information.

Please note: All comments on the proposed LISCC Program, however they are submitted (via this web site, by e-mail, or in paper form), may be made available publicly (on this web site, and elsewhere in paper form). Comments are not edited for public viewing but are reproduced as submitted. However, the Board reserves the ability to redact information when necessary for technical reasons or to remove sensitive information. The names and addresses of commenters are included with all comments made available for public viewing.

Please note: All public questions and comments on the Main Street Lending Programs, however they are submitted (via this web site, by e-mail, or in paper form), may be made available publicly (on this web site, and elsewhere in paper form). Questions and comments are not edited for public viewing but are reproduced as submitted. However, the Board reserves the ability to redact information when necessary for technical reasons or to remove sensitive information. The names and addresses of commenters are included with all comments made available for public viewing.

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Last Update: November 6, 2020