Two interns jump in the air in celebration.


Ways to Get Involved

The BLM offers internships that provide young people and veterans with jobs and job training opportunities in local communities. These internships help to support American families and build strong economies while keeping public lands healthy and productive. Working individually or as part of a team or crew, BLM interns participate in the shared stewardship of public lands - building trails and enhancing recreational facilities, restoring habitat damaged by wildland fire, and supporting BLM's multiple-use mission.  

Explore the types of internships available with the BLM.

Potential Partners

Many BLM internships are made possible through public-private partnerships involving BLM offices and youth-serving organizations in states and local communities. Opportunities to pursue partnerships with the BLM to provide internships and other job training opportunities for young people and veterans are posted regularly on  

For more information, check with your local BLM office.

Intern Stories

BLM California intern holds a kangaroo rat, BLM photo

Read stories by and about our interns, from high school students and youth crews to current teachers on public lands.

Featured Video

Meet our Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities or HACU interns who spent the summer in beautiful New Mexico.