COVID-19 County & School Metrics

Data is provisional. Last Updated: ##/##/####

Select County: 

  County Detailed Metrics & School Metrics

Week ##: ##/##/#### Through ##/##/####

Metrics for School Determination of Community Spread

Test Positivity (%)

(%) positive tests reported Sun-Sat
(Target: less than or equal to 5%)


check_circle Target

New Cases Per 100,000

Cases Reported reported Sun-Sat
(Target: less than 50 per 100,000)


check_circle Target

New Cases

Cases Reported reported Sun-Sat
(Target: decreasing or stable)


check_circle Target

Youth Case Increase

Cases Reported reported Sun-Sat
(Target: decreasing or stable)


check_circle Target

Time Series County Metrics Details

Case Rate Per 100k


Test Positivity




CLI ED Visits


CLI Admissions


Cluster %


ICU Availability



All metrics will be updated weekly, based on the previous week (i.e., previous Sunday through Saturday).

Weekly New Case Rate per 100,000 people

Calculated as a rate = [County case count for 7 days] / [County population] x100,000

If there are fewer than 10 new cases for 7 days, the rate is not calculated and the exact count is used, due to instability in the rate.

  • Minimal: Case count is fewer than 10 or the rate is < 50 cases per 100,000 people
  • Moderate: Case rate is > 50 cases per 100,000 people or < 100 cases per 100,000
  • Substantial: Case rate is greater than 100 cases per 100,000 people

Weekly Count of New cases increase

The total count of new cases reported during the 7 days is measured for the change from week to week for two consecutive weeks

  • Minimal: Cases are not increasing by >10% for two consecutive weeks
  • Moderate: Case number increases for 2 weeks, by > 10% each week and <20%
  • Substantial: Case number increases for 2 weeks, by > 20% each week

Weekly Count of New Youth Cases increase

The total count of new cases that are Under 20 years old, reported during the 7 days is measured for the change from week to week for two consecutive weeks

  • Minimal:  Cases are not increasing by >10% for two consecutive weeks
  • Moderate: Case number increases for 2 weeks, by > 10% each week and <20%
  • Substantial: Case number increases for 2 weeks, by > 20% each week

Test Positivity

The testing data represents data reported to IDPH through Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR) only.  It is based on the date results are reported into the ELR. It excludes testing data that are received from sites that have not implemented ELR. This excludes 3-5% of test data.

Weekly test positivity = [County positive tests for 7 days] / [County total tests for same 7 days] x 100

  • Minimal:  Test positivity is <5%
  • Moderate: Test positivity is >5% and <8%
  • Substantial: Test positivity is >8%