BLM Policy

The Bureau of Land Management publishes manuals, handbooks and directives – in the form of instruction memorandum and information bulletins – to direct our day-to-day business internally and externally with the public. You can access BLM policies available to the public through the links below.  


BLM manuals contain policy and procedures to manage programs.  Find a BLM manual by topic.


BLM handbooks provide detailed instructions for implementing the policy and direction described in the BLM manual sections.  Find a BLM handbook by topic.

Instruction Memorandum

BLM instruction memorandum are directives that supplement the BLM manual sections and handbooks. Instruction memoranda or IMs contain new policy or procedures that must reach BLM employees quickly, interpret existing policies or provide one-time instructions. Search national and local instruction memorandum.

Information Bulletin

BLM information bulletins are temporary directives that supplement the BLM manual sections. Information bulletins, often called IBs, disseminate information of interest to BLM employees. Search national and local information bulletin.


Ensuring Transparent Use of Guidance

Guidance documents lack the force and effect of law, unless expressly authorized by statute or incorporated into a contract. The BLM may not cite, use, or rely on public-facing guidance that is not posted on this website, pursuant to Executive Order 13891, "Promoting the Rule of Law Through Improved Agency Guidance Documents." The Department of the Interior announced the availability of its Interim Final Rule on October 26, 2020. The notice is available for public inspection at

Subject Codes

A screenshot showing a small portion of the Subject Codes downloadable spreadsheet

BLM policy documents are categorized by subject codes that may further help you identify collections of policies.