General Questions

Social Security Program Experts Can Answer Your Important Questions

October 8, 2020 • By

There are many online resources about Social Security, so it is important that you come to us as the first place for answers. You can find many of the answers about our programs and services on our Frequently Asked Questions page. We feature our most-asked questions at the top of the page to help you […]

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A younger couple working a laptop.

Financial Literacy Month, A Perfect Time to Plan for Your Future

April 30, 2020 • By

April is Financial Literacy Month, a month focused on educating people about the importance of planning for a secure financial future. Social Security is a vital part of any financial plan, and we have online tools to help you understand your potential Social Security benefits and how they fit into your financial plans.

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A family smiling while putting loose change into a piggy bank

New Guidance about COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments

April 10, 2020 • By

“The Treasury Department launched a new web tool allowing quick registration for Economic Impact Payments for eligible individuals who do not normally file a tax return, and also announced that it would begin making automatic payments.  However, for some people receiving benefits from the Social Security Administration—specifically those who have dependent children under the age […]

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Advance Designation: Choose a Representative Payee for Social Security to Consider Before You May Need One

April 3, 2020 • By

The future can be uncertain. However, Social Security’s Advance Designation program can help put you in control of your benefits if a time comes when you need a representative payee to help manage your money. Advance Designation enables you to identify up to three people, in priority order, whom you would like to serve as […]

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A photo of Erik Jones

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important Information about Social Security Services

March 16, 2020 • By

All local Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This decision protects the population we serve—older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions—and our employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, we are still able to provide critical services.

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In image of the COVID-19 particle

What Day of the Month Do I Get my Social Security Payment?

June 6, 2019 • By

Timing is everything, and the arrival time of your monthly payment from Social Security can be key to keeping your financial house in order. As you budget to pay your bills and save for future needs, keep in mind that your monthly retirement or disability benefit will be paid at the same time each month. […]

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A older couple using a laptop while sitting at an airport

What’s in a Name? Popular Baby Names of 2018!

May 13, 2019 • By

Every year, we’re the authority on the most popular baby names from the prior year based on requests for Social Security numbers for newborns. You can visit our baby names page to see the top names from 2018 and see where your or your child’s name ranks! Our list shows how pop culture affects naming […]

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A baby smiling for the camera

5 More Facts You Might Not Know About Social Security

July 26, 2018 • By

What kind of questions do you and your friends ask about Social Security? When do my benefits arrive? What are Social Security work credits, and do they have anything to do with the way my benefits are figured? Will I be automatically enrolled in Medicare? Read on to find the answers to these questions.

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A stack of social security cards

Learning the Lingo of Social Security

November 2, 2017 • By

Is Social Security a topic in your conversations these days? Are you familiar with the lingo used to describe Social Security benefits, or does it sound like a new vocabulary to you? Social Security employees strive to explain benefits using easy-to-understand, plain language. But if a technical term or acronym (an abbreviation of the first […]

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Two older men having a discussion

Ancient Wisdom Applies to Today and Tomorrow

May 4, 2016 • By

During May 1 to 8 Social Security is joining forces with faith-based and community groups across the country to increase awareness about their programs and services. The theme for this Faith Week of Action is “Shining a Light on Your Lifelong Protections.” One of the common misconceptions about Buddhism is that it is detached from […]

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A picture of Adin Strauss
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