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Survey Instruments

California Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community (HSHC) Store Observation Survey, Key Informant Interviews and Public Intercept Surveys

HSHC Public Intercept Spectifications 2019 (PDF)

This document provides background and specifications on conducting public intercept surveys for the 2019 HSHC campaign.


HSHC Key Informant Interview Spectifcations 2019 (PDF)

This document provides background and specifications on conducting key informant interviews for the HSHC campaign, 2019.


HSHC Marketing Surveillance Training Manual 2016 (PDF, 4MB)

The Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community campaign is a statewide collaboration between tobacco use prevention; nutrition and obesity prevention; alcohol abuse prevention; and sexually transmitted disease prevention partners. The goal is to improve the health of Californians by creating change at the retail level that supports healthy living. This joint effort assesses the availability and marketing of tobacco products, food, condoms, and alcohol products. In 2013 and 2016, California local health departments and their partners conducted store observations using these instruments. Observational surveys were augmented with public intercept surveys and key informant interviews.


Emory University Smoke-Free Homes (SFH) Intervention


Local Evaluation Instruments Examples

Key Informant Interview Example2-Outdoor Events Post-Policy (PDF)

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