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About Flood Map Service Center

The FEMA Flood Map Service Center (MSC) is the official public source for flood hazard information produced in support of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Use the MSC to find your official flood map, access a range of other flood hazard products, and take advantage of tools for better understanding flood risk.

FEMA flood maps are continually updated through a variety of processes. Effective information that you download or print from this site may change or become superseded by new maps over time. For additional information, please see the Flood Hazard Mapping Updates Overview Fact Sheet


FEMA is conducting cybersecurity testing of the Map Service Center. Users may experience slower than normal performance during testing. If you experience sustained performance issues, please contact the FEMA Mapping and Insurance eXchange (FMIX).

FEMA has introduced several enhancements to the Map Service Center (MSC) that expand access to National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL)-based dynamic maps throughout the mapping lifecycle. These improvements simplify access and make the flood hazard information easier to use.

When users enter an address or location, the map results now show interactive flood hazard information. Most FIRMettes (a portion of the Flood Insurance Rate Map [FIRM] that is easier to print) are created dynamically from the NFHL. Changes also include an improved viewer for the NFHL that provides customizable, interactive views and printable products. There are also big improvements for interacting with preliminary data through the Flood Map Changes Viewer that shows the preliminary and pending flood hazard data, the preliminary Changes Since Last FIRM (CSLF), and includes the Preliminary Map Comparison Tool. The new draft National Flood Hazard Layer Viewer, allows FEMA to share draft flood hazard data as well as draft CSLF data when appropriate. Contact MSC Help if you need more information.