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PPI for final demand advances 0.3% in December; goods rise 1.1%, services decline 0.1%

The Producer Price Index for final demand increased 0.3 percent in December, as prices for final demand goods advanced 1.1 percent, and the index for final demand services edged down 0.1 percent. The final demand index rose 0.8 percent in 2020.

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Employer handing a bonus check to employee

A look at employer-provided bonuses

This article examines the types of businesses that provide nonproduction bonuses and which employees have access to them. read more »


sign that has closed: temporary due to COVID-19 pandemic

Employment recovery in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

This article reviews research on recent pandemic-related job losses to understand the prospects for employment recovery. read more »


Gloved hand, shopping cart, and laptop computer

Changes in consumer behaviors during the coronavirus pandemic

Using data from the Household Pulse Survey, this article examines pandemic-related changes reported in August 2020. read more »


Group of coworkers sitting in office area and conversing

Labor force characteristics by race and ethnicity in 2019

This report describes the labor force characteristics and earnings among race and ethnicity groups in the United States. read more »


This article analyzes spending growth of 10 common diseases and breaks down the three key contributing factors.

What is driving increases in healthcare spending?

This article analyzes spending growth of 10 common diseases and breaks down the three key contributing factors. read more »

Latest Numbers


Consumer Price Index (CPI):
+0.4% in Dec 2020 News Release Historical Data

Unemployment Rate:
6.7% in Dec 2020 News Release Historical Data

Payroll Employment:
-140,000(p) in Dec 2020 News Release Historical Data

Average Hourly Earnings:
+$0.23(p) in Dec 2020 News Release Historical Data

Producer Price Index - Final Demand:
+0.3%(p) in Dec 2020 News Release Historical Data

Employment Cost Index (ECI):
+0.5% in 3rd Qtr of 2020 News Release Historical Data

+4.6%(r) in 3rd Qtr of 2020 News Release Historical Data

U.S. Import Price Index:
+0.9% in Dec 2020 News Release Historical Data

U.S. Export Price Index:
+1.1% in Dec 2020 News Release Historical Data