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Natural hazards like floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes, as well as man-made hazards like industrial accidents and acts of terrorism, can knock out power, cause fuel shortages, and disrupt natural gas service, putting our lives on hold.

After a disaster strikes, government officials and energy companies must first make sure that critical infrastructure facilities like power plants are operating, and that emergency responders, medical professionals, and critical care facilities have the energy supplies they need to operate.

While these government and industry groups initially focus on critical facilities, homeowners, business owners, and local leaders may have to take an active role in dealing with energy disruptions on their own. The Department of Energy offers resources and guidance that can help you, when possible, recover power, fuel, and natural gas more quickly, and protect your homes, businesses, and communities from future energy disasters.

Disclaimer: Because every emergency is different, it is important for your safety that you follow the directives of your state and local emergency management authorities and local utilities. The information provided on DOE's website is intended for general informational purposes only and is not an endorsement of any particular material or service. Before engaging in any activities that could impact utility services such as electricity or natural gas, contact your local utility to ensure that the activities are done safely.

For additional emergency-planning resources, visit the Federal Emergency Management Agency's website, State and local emergency management authorities and local utilities may also provide helpful guidance.

Energy Emergency Guidelines


Business Owners

Local Leaders

Staying Informed

Conserving Energy

Using Backup Generators

Hiring Qualified Contractors

Additional Resources

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