Prepare your practice for COVID-19

Prepare your practice for COVID-19
Updated June 12, 2020

America’s medical providers deliver the best care possible and are trusted sources of health information for their patients and the community. CDC is committed to arming them with the accurate and helpful information they need to treat patients with COVID-19, keep other patients and staff safe, and empower patients to protect their own health. Leveraging telemedicine whenever possible is the best way to protect patients and staff from COVID-19. However, when telemedicine is not possible, simple actions can help to reduce the risk of spread and keep people safe.

CDC’s Prepare to Care for COVID-19 is a resource with practical tools clinicians can use to care for patients with COVID-19, and will be regularly updated to help clinicians adapt as the outbreak unfolds.

Print Resources to Prepare Your Practice

Poster: 10 ways to manage respiratory symptoms at home

Factsheet – How to Put On & Take Off PPE.

8.5×11 file pdf icon[PDF – 2 pages]

Poster: 10 ways to manage respiratory symptoms at home

Poster – How to Put On & Take Off PPE.

11×17 file pdf icon[PDF – 1 page]