Two bar graphs, one showing the number of by-mail ballots transmitted, returned, and status unknown in presidential elections years (2008, 2012, 2016) and the other bar graph showing the number of by-mail ballots transmitted, returned, and status unknown in midterm election years (2010, 2014, 2018). For 2008, 28,465,784 ballots were transmitted, 23,073,382 ballots were returned, and 1,605,620 ballots were deemed status unknown. For 2012, 33,070,385 ballots were transmitted, 27,624,254 ballots were returned,
October 22,2020

Many states are expanding and encouraging the use of vote by mail options for the 2020 elections, largely due to voter safety concerns posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. While these concerns have elevated the topic of voting by mail nationally, data shows that voters have utilized the option to vote absentee or by mail in increasing numbers for the last decade.

2019 Election Data Summit: Announcing our Voter Registration Database Modernization Panelists
June 26,2019
Supported in part by 2018 Help America Vote Act funds distributed by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC), election officials across the country are taking additional steps to strengthen and upgrade their voter registration databases and election management systems.
2019 Election Data Summit: Announcing our Election Security Panelists
June 25,2019
Election security has been top of mind for election officials since the 2016 elections, and efforts are well underway to strengthen election infrastructure for the 2020 elections and beyond. Leveraging governmental and non-governmental partnerships, including with new actors to the elections space like the Department of Homeland Security and state National Guard units, state and local election officials are working tirelessly to harden their systems and adopt cybersecurity best practices.
2019 Election Data Summit: Announcing our 2018 Overview Panelists
June 24,2019
?Important data on the 2018 midterm elections will be released on Thursday, June 27. This includes the final report and dataset from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s (EAC) 2018 Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS), as well as findings from a recent national survey of local election officials conducted by the Democracy Fund in partnership with Reed College.
2019 Election Data Summit: Announcing UOCAVA, Reaching Citizen Voters Abroad Panelists
June 21,2019
UOCAVA is an essential component to including our citizens aboard and armed service members serving away from home in the democratic process. The 2019 Election Data Summit will unite election experts to examine how data can be used to improve the election administration process and ensure access for UOCAVA voters.
2019 Election Data Summit: Announcing our Voter Registration Panelists
June 20,2019
Voter registration is integral to the election administration process. Registering to vote, verifying voter eligibility and maintaining the accuracy of the voter registration list are several significant components of the complex voter registration process.
Sneak Peek: 2019 Election Data Summit and 2018 EAVS Report
June 11,2019
EAC staff is working diligently on final preparations for our 2019 Election Data Summit. This year, the Election Data Summit will be hosted in the Senate Rules Committee Room in the Russell Senate Office Building on June 27, 2019. This year’s Summit also coincides with the release of the HAVA-mandated 2018 Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS) report, still the most comprehensive data collection effort regarding election administration in the United States.
The Role of Design in the Vote-By-Mail Process: Envelopes Get Their Day in the Sun
May 23,2019
EAC staff enjoys learning from and hearing about the experiences of stakeholders in the election community. A recent discussion with Drew Davies, owner and design director of Oxide Design Co., provides insight that may be of interest to those curious about the design aspect of vote by mail materials.
April 23,2019
Earlier today, the U.S. Census Bureau released its key findings on voting and registration for the November 2018 general elections, as well as the accompanying dataset. The Census Bureau collects this data every two years following each federal general election through its Voting and Registration Supplement to the Current Population Survey (CPS).
October 29,2018
Our right to vote is the foundation of our democracy. As citizens, we must be able to trust that our election process is secure and accurately reflects the will of the voters. One emerging trend that ensures voter confidence are post-election audits.