
Get Your Social Security Benefit Statement

January 30, 2020 • By

Tax season is approaching, and we have made replacing your annual Benefit Statement even easier.  The Benefit Statement, also known as the SSA-1099 or the SSA-1042S, is a tax form we mail each year in January to people who receive Social Security benefits.  It shows the total amount of benefits you received from us in […]

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A couple smiling at one another while sitting on a couch holding a tablet device.

Get Your Social Security Benefit Statement (SSA-1099)

March 14, 2019 • By

Now that it’s tax season, you might be gathering all of your forms and documentation from the previous year. Sometimes getting all that material together — receipts for donations, business expenses, and travel — can be overwhelming. And losing one vital piece can take up time that you might not be able to spare. The […]

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A hand filling out a document with a pen

Get Your Social Security Benefit Statement (SSA-1099)

February 22, 2019 • By

Tax season is approaching, and Social Security has made replacing your annual Benefit Statement even easier. The Benefit Statement is also known as the SSA-1099 or the SSA-1042S. Now you can get a copy of your 1099 anytime and anywhere you want using our online services. A Social Security 1099 is a tax form Social […]

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An older couple reviewing a social security benefit statement

Social Security When You Are Self-Employed

October 18, 2018 • By

Most people who pay into Social Security work for an employer. Their employer deducts Social Security taxes from their paycheck, matches that contribution, sends taxes to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and reports wages to Social Security. However, self-employed people must report their earnings and pay their Social Security taxes directly to the IRS. These […]

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A couple cooking together in a kitchen

1 Month Until Tax Day. Social Security Can Help You Prepare!

March 15, 2018 • By

This year the tax return filing deadline, or Tax Day, falls on April 17. Individual income tax returns are due to federal and state governments. Social Security can help you prepare:

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An older couple reviewing a social security benefit statement

Get a Replacement Social Security Tax Form Online With Ease

February 1, 2018 • By

It’s that time of year again. Preparing for tax season can seem overwhelming. Some forms and paperwork might be difficult to track down. If you misplaced your Benefits Statement or haven’t received it by the end of January, we’ve made it easy to go online to get a replacement with my Social Security.

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A couple using a laptop at a breakfast bar in a kitchen

Your Contributions Make Our Nation Stronger

March 27, 2017 • By

At first, seeing taxes taken out of your paycheck can be a little disappointing. However, you can take pride in knowing you’re making an important impact each week when you contribute to Social Security. Understanding how important your contribution is takes some of the sting away because your taxes are helping millions of Americans — […]

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An elderly man and young woman reading on the couch

Knowing where you stand now with Social Security will pay off

March 23, 2017 • By

For most people, Social Security is a mystery. We see that 6.2 percent deduction on our pay stubs and wonder: What does it mean for my financial future? The answers: A lot. And not enough. After tax season, take a few minutes to go online and read your Social Security statement. Even if your retirement […]

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A photo of Beth Kobliner

What is FICA

March 20, 2017 • By

FICA taxes help provide benefits for retirees, disabled people and children. This contribution helps your parents and grandparents have a secure retirement while securing today and tomorrow for you and your future family. Learn more about FICA.

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FICA information

We’re Working Together to Secure Today and Tomorrow

February 27, 2017 • By

Your first job is a landmark occasion. You’re meeting new people, making professional connections, and probably cashing that first paycheck. You might be a little surprised when you see a portion of your earnings go to a tax called “FICA” for the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. This deduction goes to Social Security and is your […]

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