Forms & Ordering Information

Forms & Ordering Information

Status of Testing at the Vermont Health Department Laboratory

Effective Immediately

As the state prioritizes the response to the new coronavirus in Vermont, the Health Department Laboratory is working to make sure staff are protected against COVID-19 so they can continue to perform essential testing. This means sending home any staff who aren’t working on essential testing and making the difficult choice to suspend non-essential lab services.

We know that these decisions will have an impact on Vermonters, and we will be watching closely to determine if we need to adjust lab testing priorities to protect public health in Vermont as this situation evolves. At this point, we feel this is an important step to take in order to respond to this new public health threat.

Effective immediately, all non-essential testing at the Vermont Department of Health Laboratory will be suspended. The following essential testing will continue at the Health Department Laboratory:

  • COVID-19 testing
  • Tuberculosis testing
  • Animal Rabies testing (only in cases where a human has potentially been exposed to rabies)
  • Measles testing
  • Urine Drug Screening
  • Blood Lead

List of the status of tests at the Public Health Lab

Order Test Kits

Only test kits for the essential tests listed above may be ordered at this time.

By phone: call 802-338-4724 or 800-660-9997 (toll-free in Vermont).

By mail: download one of the order forms below and mail it to Public Health Laboratory.

By fax: download one of the order forms below and fax it to 802-338-4706.

Get information about ordering test kits. 

Tuberculosis and Measles
Test Kit Order Form
Clinical Test Request Form

All rabies testing requests must be pre-approved by Infectious Disease Epidemiology. Call (802) 863-7240 or 1-800-640-4374 (available 24/7) for approval. Then complete the Request for Examination form and read the Shipping and Instruction Sheet.

Urine Drug Testing
Urine Drug Order Form
Urine Drug Collection Instructions

Blood Lead
Blood Lead Test Requisition
Blood Lead Testing Supplies

In This Section

The Vermont Department of Health Lab and the University of Vermont Medical Center (UVMMC) have partnered to provide COVID-19 test kits, free of charge, to certain health care providers in Vermont.