3-4-50: Prevent Chronic Disease

3-4-50: Prevent Chronic Disease


3-4-50 helps us understand the overwhelming impact of chronic disease in Vermont and inspires us to take action to change it. 3-4-50 is about making a difference at a level that can influence the health of many. Businesses, schools, cities and towns, and health care providers all play an important role in shaping the health of Vermonters. Our common goal is to make the healthy choice the easy choice where we live, work, learn and play.

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In This Section

Businesses play an important role in promoting health and reducing the risk of chronic disease.

Schools play a critical role in promoting the health of young people and helping them establish lifelong healthy behaviors, from early child care through college.

Communities that are built to support physical activity, safe walking and biking, use of public transportation, and easy access to fresh foods are essential for good health.

Faith communities and service organizations can play an important role in promoting health and reducing the risk of chronic disease.

Whether it's keeping up with your kids, getting better sleep, having more energy or preventing illness, we all have our reasons for wanting to make healthy lifestyle changes. But it can still feel

Dedicated 3-4-50 partners that have identified wellness measures that they currently employ or will accomplish within 12 months of signing-on.

To understand 3-4-50 in Vermont, it helps to see some of the data on these behaviors, diseases and deaths.