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Coronavirus Emergency Management Best Practices

COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. We've compiled the best practices and lessons learned that communities have already faced fighting COVID-19. This collection is not exhaustive, but we will continue to add content and highlight key are
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Community Innovations

Helping People

Government Operations

Private Sector

Recovery Planning

Medical Supplies

We encourage all emergency managers to review our latest COVID-19 fact sheets for details on federal assistance programs and guidelines.

Organizations can email best practices or lessons learned to fema-cipsupport@fema.dhs.gov.

FEMA does not endorse any non-government entities, organizations, or services. Claims made by third parties have not been independently verified by FEMA.

Stay Informed

Get the latest public health information on coronavirus at www.coronavirus.gov.

Community Innovations

Many communities are responding to COVID-19 in innovative ways that highlight the best of American ingenuity.

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An Alabama-based company creates custom-made, digitally-fitted masks that meld to every contour of a person's face.

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A new platform matches elder or immunocompromised residents in Oakland, California, with low-risk volunteers who
can help them during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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The University of Oregon's Institute for Health in the Built Environment is piloting the incorporation of regular testing of building surfaces and air ducts for the virus.

Last Updated: 8/25/2020

Helping People

Disability Considerations (NEW)

This document provides guidance to state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) governments on how best to ensure that people with disabilities have adequate access to goods and services during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.

Library Support

This document describes how public libraries are supporting local government partners, healthcare workers, and emergency responders by providing access to facilities and internet access to safely continue operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Connecting Consumers with Local Food

This document describes how, as the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic hampers traditional farming and threatened food supply chains raising concerns about widespread food shortages and price increases, countries, cities, and private citizens have begun to expand local food production through family and community gardens to supplement forecasted disruption to supply chains.

Sustaining Nutritional Needs for At-Risk Individuals

Millions of Americans rely on a range of at-home and community-based food services. Sustain and expand home delivered meal programs to meet nutritional needs of at-risk individuals.

View All Helping People Best Practices

Government Operations

The Louisiana State University NCBRT (NEW)

A nationally recognized center for emergency management training, has developed a range of COVID-19 resources and trainings for emergency responders that can be completed online.

Natural Hazards Preparedness

This document describes recommendations and best practices for state, local, tribal, and territorial officials when managing the risks posed simultaneously by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and natural hazards.

Government Engagement with Citizens

This document discusses the methods through which jurisdictions have been assessing constituent needs to inform response efforts and identify relevant pieces of information to share with their communities.

Pandemic Operational Guidance 

To help emergency managers and public health officials prepare for the 2020 hurricane season and other disasters during COVID-19.

View All Government Operations Best Practices

Private Sector And Infrastructure

Nuclear Industry Response

This document is a list of key findings and considerations for jurisdictions and communities regarding use of Nuclear medical technology applications and Nuclear energy during the ongoing coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic operations.

Longer-Term Business Reopening

This document discusses the strategies, supported by guidance from federal, state, and local governments, that businesses across various sectors can implement to protect employees and customers from COVID-19 as businesses begin phased reopening.

Re-Orienting Business Production

Companies across industries repurposed their production capabilities to support the response to the coronavirus pandemic disease (COVID-19).

View All Private Sector And Infrastructure Best Practices

Recovery Planning and Implementation

Unemployment Insurance

This document highlights some examples of strategies states and territories have implemented to help individuals file unemployment insurance claims.

Reconstitution Planning

Organizations across the nation are grappling with when and how to resume operations while protecting the well-being and safety of their employees and communities.

Financial Management

The recently released Disaster Financial Management Guide can help a jurisdiction successfully use all available federal resources for disaster recovery, including the COVID-19 Supplemental Funding.

Environmental and Historic Preservation

Identify emergency protective measures for COVID-19 that may adversely affect natural, historic, and/or archaeological resources. Learn how to comply with environmental and historic preservation laws, regulations, and executive orders.

View All Recovery Planning And Implementation Best Practices

Medical Supplies And Equipment

Preserving Personal Protective Equipment

A summary of best practices for sustaining personal protective equipment (PPE) while ensuring workers are protected during the COVID-19 pandemic response.

Medical Assistance Request Considerations

Jurisdictions should consider what actions they can take to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and creatively think about how they can meet resource requirements.