Community Mitigation (Non-US Settings)

Community Mitigation (Non-US Settings)
Updated Jan. 7, 2021

Global Community Mitigation Framework

Actions that individuals, partners, and ministries of health can take to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Introduction to Mitigation, Mobility and Epidemiology Graph

A mitigation, mobility, and epidemiology (MME) graph displays the effects that mitigation measures might have on community mobility and on the incidence of COVID-19 in a geographical zone over time.

Guide to Create a Mitigation, Mobility and Epidemiology Graph pdf icon[PDF]

About This Video

COVID-19 mitigation refers to slowing the pandemic as much as possible in the absence of a vaccine or cure.

Mitigation in Various Settings: Suggestions for mitigating COVID-19 transmission in these settings in low-resource environments and describe considerations associated with each mitigation measure.

Market Settings

Humanitarian Settings


Non-Healthcare Settings

Home-based Healthcare: Taking Care of Sick People with COVID-19 Illness at Home

Safe and Dignified Burial: Guidance for the handling of the bodies of COVID-19 victims.

Engaging Faith Leaders:
Providing Spiritual and Psychosocial Support to People with COVID-19 at Home (Non-US Settings)

  • Faith Leaders: Overcome the Stigma of COVID-19 by Caring, Connecting, and Celebrating:
About This Video

This video describes strategies that global faith leaders can use to prevent and overcome stigma related to COVID-19 in their communities.

  • Faith Leaders: Life, Hope, and Being a Positive Role Model:
About This Video

Global faith leaders can encourage everyone in the community to practice prevention strategies that help reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Communication Resources
Infographic: Making handwashing solution
Handwashing Solution Guidance

How to Wear and Take Off a Non-Medical Mask or Cloth Face Coveringpdf icon
How to Wear and Take Off a Non-Medical Mask or Cloth Face Covering

Ways to safely seek care during COVID-19 non-US settingspdf icon
Ways to safely seek care during COVID-19

Chlorine Solution non-healthcare settingspdf icon
How to Make 0.1% Chlorine Solution to Disinfect Surfaces