Hospitals & Health Systems

Hospitals & Health Systems

There are 14 non-profit hospitals and network of health care systems spread throughout Vermont including: 8 small critical access hospitals, 5 mid-size rural hospitals, 2 academic medical centers, a Veterans Administration hospital, and 5 designated psychiatric inpatient facilities. The Health Department works closely with them to ensure all Vermonters have access to quality health care services. In addition, the department analyzes data submitted by hospitals to detect and monitor infectious diseases and track population health outcomes. This data is essential to ensure prompt response to emerging public health problems and long-range planning. 

Hospitals with Electronic Health Records engage with the department by submitting public health related data such as immunization, syndromic surveillance, and electronic lab reporting. This allows the department to be proactive in planning, implementations, and evaluation of critical public health issues and changes needed to improve population health outcomes. The department also collaborates with hospitals and communities to implement programs like Rural Health Quality Improvement initiatives and Refugee Health to ensure all Vermonters - from rural area residents living far from larger hospitals to refugees who arrived in Vermont - have quality health care. In addition, the department operates the Patient Safety Surveillance and Improvement System to identify risks, improve patient safety, eliminate adverse events in Vermont hospitals, and support hospitals in improving the quality of care.

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In This Section

The Health Department's Office of Rural Health and Primary Care manages several federal grants that focus on improving the quality of care that Vermonters receive in hospital and health care settings.

Electronic reporting allows Eligible Professionals and Eligible Hospitals with certified electronic medical records to meet the Meaningful Use measures related to Public Health.

The Patient Safety Surveillance and Improvement System (PSSIS) was created for the purpose of improving patient safety, eliminating adverse events in Vermont hospitals, and supporting and facilitat

The Refugee Health Program works to protect and promote the health of refugees from the time they arrive in Vermont through a community-based system of care. 

The State Office of Rural Health and Primary Care works with and supports small rural hospitals, clinics and health care providers to improve access to health care for all Vermonters.