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COVID-19 Pandemic Operational Guidance for the 2020 Hurricane Season

In preparing for the 2020 hurricane season, this document provides actionable guidance to State, Local, Tribal & Territorial officials to prepare for response and recovery operations and encourages personal preparedness measures amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While this document focuses on hurricane season preparedness, most planning considerations can also be applied to any disaster operation in the COVID-19 environment, including no-notice incidents, spring flooding and wildfire seasons, and typhoon response. 

Information presented in this document regarding FEMA’s operating posture should serve as a baseline for SLTT partners.

Visit our "FEMA Announces Operational Guidance for the 2020 Hurricane Season" News Release.

Read a blog post from Administrator Gaynor about preparing the nation for the 2020 hurricane season

COVID-19 Pandemic Operational Guidance for the 2020 Hurricane Season (English)

In preparing for the 2020 hurricane season, this document provides actionable guidance to State, Local, Tribal & Territorial officials to prepare for response and recovery operations and encourages personal preparedness measures amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While this document focuses on hurricane season preparedness, most planning considerations can also be applied to any disaster operation in the COVID-19 environment, including no-notice incidents, spring flooding and wildfire seasons, and typhoon response.

COVID-19 Pandemic Operational Guidance for the 2020 Hurricane Season (Spanish)

Como parte de la preparación para la temporada de huracanes 2020, este documento sirve como una guía sobre las acciones que los funcionarios estatales, locales, tribales y territoriales (SLTT, en inglés) pueden realizar para prepararse para las operaciones de respuesta y recuperación por desastres, al igual que promueve medidas de preparación personal durante la continua pandemia de COVID-19. Aunque el documento se enfoca en la preparación para la temporada de huracanes, la mayoría de las consideraciones pueden aplicarse en toda operación por desastre en el ámbito de COVID-19, incluyendo incidentes sin notificación, temporadas de inundaciones e incendios, y respuesta a tifones.

Last updated August 1, 2020