

Older man and woman smiling with picnic basket

Diabetes is a serious disease that makes your blood sugar too high. This could be because your body doesn’t make enough insulin (the hormone that turns food into energy) or because the insulin it makes is not used correctly. High blood sugar over time causes problems in many parts of the body. Type 2 diabetes is one of four chronic diseases that are the cause of more than 50% of deaths each year in Vermont. 

Learn more about diabetes in Vermont, what the Health Department is doing to help Vermonters prevent or manage diabetes, and connect to free and local resources.

In This Section

Learn more about how the Diabetes Program is funded, our goals and what projects we are working on.

Find free workshops, help paying for medicines, tips and fact sheets, mobile apps and information for health care professionals. 

Learn more about the different types of diabetes, including prediabetes, and the current data and figures on diabetes in Vermont.