Translated Information

Translated Information

Flu Tips Poster - Arabic


The Vermont Department of Health has produced a number of health information print and audio/ video resources in English plus other languages spoken in Vermont – about preventing illness, healthy homes, and preparing for extreme weather events: winter storms, power outages, hurricanes and flooding.

Here are print, video and audio resources in English and some or all of the following languages: Arabic • Bosnian • Burmese • Chinese • French • Kirundi • Nepali • Russian • Serbo-Croatian • Somali • Spanish • Swahili • Vietnamese 

In This Section

Find resources and videos translated into many languages used in Vermont. This information can help you and your family stay healthy.

Here are print materials on healthy homes, keeping flu and other illnesses from spreading, getting ready for weather emergencies, and more. These can be downloaded and printed.

Here are links to our YouTube videos on preventing flu and illness, and keeping a lead-safe home for young children.