How Healthy Are We? Public Health Data

How Healthy Are We? Public Health Data

Public Health Data Explorer

Vermont continues to be one of the healthiest states in the nation but there are challenges ahead. To meet these, we track, measure, report on, and apply data in order to achieve our shared goals for improving public health. Our data explorer allows you to access this information at a local level, view trends over time, and visualize the indicators on Vermont maps.

Enter the public Health Data Explorer to explore Healthy Vermonters and Environmental Public Health Tracking Data.

Resource What will I find? Learn more
Healthy Vermonters 2020Healthy Vermonters 2020  Data about high priority health issues that affect Vermonters, by county, health district and hospital service area. Healthy Vermonters 2020 Quick Reference
Performance Scorecards Report card on actions Vermont is taking to achieve its health goals. How to Use the Performance Scorecards (video)
Environmental Health Tracking logoEnvironmental Public Health Tracking Data that shows the relationship between the environment and health in Vermont, at the county and sub-county level. Environmental Public Health Tracking Quick Reference
Community Profiles Topic specific health data by county, health district and hospital service area.