

Quote from Kelly "Find what motivates you to quit and use it to your advantage."

Tobacco use is the #1 preventable cause of death. In Vermont, smoking costs approximately $348 million in medical expenses and results in about 1,000 smoking-related deaths each year. Countless other lives, including those of friends and family members, are impacted by the negative effects of tobacco use and secondhand smoke. 

Tobacco use is one of 3 behaviors that lead to 4 diseases (cancer, heart disease and stroke, type 2 diabetes, and lung disease), resulting in more than 50% of deaths among Vermonters. Physical inactivity and poor nutrition are the other two behaviors. Learn more about 3-4-50

To see how we're doing in Vermont—check out our Tobacco Performance Scorecard

Find resources on e-cigarettes and vaping, preventing youth use and quitting

Learn more about new Vermont Tobacco Prevention Laws

Vermont Tobacco Control Program Goals

Since 2000, we have been working to create change at the environmental, policy and systems levels. These efforts have prevented youth and adults from becoming tobacco users, supported those looking to quit, and changed the overall acceptance of tobacco use.

Our work is guided by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Best Practice Guidelines and the Vermont Tobacco Evaluation & Review Board, a group created to review the state's tobacco control work and recommend appropriate funding levels.

The goals of the Vermont Tobacco Control Program are to:

  • Prevent youth and young adults from starting to use tobacco
  • Decrease tobacco use in adults and youth
  • Reduce exposure to secondhand smoke  
  • Discourage the use of other tobacco products
Smoke-free Policies

We work closely with state, regional and community partners to create and support smoke-free policies. Our partners include schools, nonprofit organizations, legislators and town officials, government agencies and health care providers. Read more about smoke free policies

Quit Tobacco Supports
802Quits Logo

We oversee Vermont’s 802Quits, a 24/7 quit smoking resource for all residents. To access this service call 1-800-Quit-Now (1-800-784-8669).

802Quits offers tips and tools, including free nicotine replacement therapy (patches and gum or lozenges), to help Vermonters quit cigarettes and other tobacco products including vaping devices. Learn more about tips and tools for quitting!

Focus on Health Disparities

Although the costly addiction of tobacco use in Vermont affects nearly one in five, a closer look reveals large differences in smoking rates among certain groups. For instance, smoking rates are higher among people of lower income or who have mental health and substance use disorders. By looking at the data on tobacco use, we identify and prioritize efforts as described in the Tobacco State Plan. Read more about our work to support these communities

Vermont Tobacco Data

The Vermont Tobacco Program conducts comprehensive surveillance on tobacco use and quit behaviors among Vermonters (adult and youth), perceptions of harm, and support and impact of policies and programs. Current data can be found on the Tobacco Surveillance in Vermont Webpage.

Vermont Tobacco Evaluation

The following reports inform and steer the Tobacco Control and Prevention work. As part of its CDC funding, the program contracts an evaluator to report on program achievements, success highlights, challenges and impact analysis.

In This Section

Most Vermonters who smoke want to quit. You may be one of them, or know someone who is trying to quit tobacco. With the right tools and support, you can do it.

Here is the State Tobacco Plan 2015-2020 and resources to help you support Vermonters attempting to quit tobacco and stay tobacco-free.

Today, more and more properties - from market rate housing to public housing - are going smoke-free. That's because a smoke-free property is legal, healthy, safe and cost effective.

Tobacco control is the work of many in Vermont. Best practice calls for state and local organizations to work together to reduce tobacco use, promote tobacco-free policies and support those who want to quit.

Low-income adults and those with mental health and substance use disorders have higher rates of tobacco use – and greater impacts on their health and quality of life.

Vermont has a long history of passing state laws and local policies to protect people from secondhand smoke, to stop youth from starting to use tobacco, and to lower the prevalence of tobacco use.