Drinking Water Testing

Drinking Water Testing

Bottles of water and flasks on lab bench ready for testing.

Due to COVID-19 response, many testing areas at the Vermont Department of Health Laboratory are suspended, including drinking water.
See which tests are currently being conducted.

Find an alternate drinking water testing laboratory.

The Vermont Department of Health Laboratory provides chemical, radiological and microbiological analyses for public and private drinking water. Our laboratory is accredited by the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) for drinking water testing.

schools and child care Facilities - Lead testing OF drinking water

Alternate drinking water testing laboratories

Here is a list of nearby labs that can help you get the full VT homeowners test package, including the recommended Total Coliform/E.coli bacteria, Arsenic, Chloride, Copper, Fluoride, Hardness, Iron, Lead (first draw), Lead (flush), Manganese, Nitrate as N, Nitrite as N, Sodium, Gross Alpha Radiation, Uranium, pH. Find other labs on this map. 

Lab Name Address Phone
Eastern Analytical, Inc. 25 Chenell Drive, Concord, NH 603-228-0528
Endyne, Inc. 56 Etna Road, Lebanon, NH 603-678-4891
Endyne, Inc. 315 New York Road, Plattsburgh, NY 518-563-1720
Endyne, Inc. 160 James Brown Drive, Williston, VT 802-879-4333
Granite State Analytical Services, LLC 22 Manchester Road, Derry, NH 603-432-3044
Nelson Analytical 490 East Industrial Park Drive, Manchester, NH 603-622-0200


In This Section

The links below will help you learn about contaminants that could affect Vermont waters, including your drinking water.

The water test(s) to be ordered depends on the source of your water.

The Vermont Department of Health Laboratory can perform total coliform/E.coli bacterial testing on any public water supply or private well

The Vermont Department of Health Laboratory offers two tests for radioactivity in drinking water: gross alpha activity and radon in water

The Vermont Department of Health Laboratory (VDHL) has the ability to analyze drinking water samples for multiple chemical contaminants

The VDHL offers a wide range of testing including heavy metals (e.g. lead, arsenic, uranium, iron) and water hardness.