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National Flood Insurance Program Community Rating System

The Community Rating System (CRS) is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management practices that exceed the minimum requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Over 1,500 communities participate nationwide.

In CRS communities, flood insurance premium rates are discounted to reflect the reduced flood risk resulting from the community’s efforts that address the three goals of the program:

  1. Reduce and avoid flood damage to insurable property
  2. Strengthen and support the insurance aspects of the National Flood Insurance Program
  3. Foster comprehensive floodplain management
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The brochure, Community Rating System: The Local Official's Guide to Saving Lives, Preventing Property Damage and Reducing the Cost of Flood Insurance introduces the Community Rating System as a way of promoting the awareness of flood insurance.

Community Rating System Coordinator’s Manual

The Coordinator’s Manual is the guidebook for the Community Rating System. The Coordinator’s Manual explains how the program operates, how credits are calculated, what documentation is required, and how class ratings are determined. It also acts as guidance for communities in enhancing their flood loss reduction and resource protection activities.

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Coordinator’s Manual, 2017 Edition

The current Coordinator’s Manual is the 2017 Edition.

- Section 100 gives general background information on the CRS.
- Section 200 explains the application and verification procedures.
- Sections 300 through 700 explain the credit points and calculations that are used to verify CRS credit.

Download the 2017 Coordinator's Manual

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2021 Addendum to the Coordinator’s Manual, 2017 Edition

In January 2021, an addendum to the Coordinator’s Manual became effective.

The 2021 Addendum and the 2017 CRS Coordinator’s Manual together will constitute the official statement of CRS credits and procedures. These two documents will remain effective until a fully revised edition of the Coordinator’s Manual is issued in the future.

Download the 2021 Addendum

Frequently Asked Questions about the 2021 Addendum

CRS Participating Communities

View the Community Rating System eligible communities, effective October 1, 2020.

October 2020 Eligible Communities - PDF

October 2020 Eligible Communities - Excel

How are Flood Insurance Premium Discounts for CRS Communities Calculated?

Flood insurance premium rates in Community Rating System communities are discounted in increments of 5%. A Class 10 community is not participating in the CRS and receives no discount. A Class 9 community receives a 5% discount for all policies in its Special Flood Hazard Areas, a Class 8 community receives a 10% discount, all the way to a Class 1 community, which receives a 45% premium discount. 

Classifications are based on 19 creditable activities, organized in four categories:

  • Public Information
  • Mapping and Regulations
  • Flood Damage Reduction
  • Warning and Response

The table below shows the credit points earned, classification awarded and premium reductions.

CRS Credit Points, Classes and Premium Discounts

Credit PointsClass Premium Reduction
Premium Reduction
4,000 – 4,499240%10%
3,500 – 3,999335%10%
3,000 – 3,499430%10%
2,500 – 2,999525%10%
2,000 – 2,499620%10%
1,500 – 1,999715%5%
1,000 – 1,499810%5%
500 – 99995%5%
0 – 4991000

*Special Flood Hazard Area

**Preferred Risk Policies are available only in B, C and X Zones for properties that are shown to have a minimal risk of flood damage. The Preferred Risk Policy does not receive premium rate credits under the Community Rating System because it already has a lower premium than other policies. The Community Rating System credit for AR and A99 Zones are based on non-Special Flood Hazard Areas (non-SFHAs) (B, C and X Zones).

Credits include: Classes 1 – 6 at 10%. Classes 7 – 9 at 5%. Premium reductions are subject to change.

Additional Resources

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Sign up for the bi-monthly NFIP/CRS Update newsletter.

Or email the Community Rating System team with questions.

Last updated January 12, 2021